Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Hotel Room Situation: Idea for improvement

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Hi everyone,

As the hotel room bookings are more and more like the ones for major US cons, I would like to add an idea.
Every fully payed attendee should have an individual token which gets automatically generated upon paying the ticket.
This token can then be provided while booking a room from the EF contingent. The estrel can then visit a special site of the EF registration and check whether the attendee has payed his ticket and if the names match with the hotel room booking by providing this token.
This way the Estrel staff can refuse any bookings for non-payed tickets.

I know this might be more work in the beginning and almost certainly for the Estrel but I suppose this would be the best way to provide a fair booking of the rooms.


Dhary Montecore:
As far as I know people are free to book a room WITHOUT paying for the con first as attendees should be free to choose not to attend if they don't have a room. Hence why they can see if they get a room before they need to pay.

In addition to that, the hotel has it's own workflow and the more 'special requirements' (and additional work) we have, the less likely they'd be willing to do it - or able to, as I suspect it's the same as with all companies: hard to keep everyone fully informed, in line or decisions centralized, or even change existing workflows (like the outsourced credit-card based booking). So I'd always assume some level of "didn't go exactly as planned in every single case", which also speaks against too complicated solutions.


Another idea would be to go down the route taken by Anthrocon and Further Confusion, whereby the Hotel charges the first night's stay to your card as a non-refundable deposit when you make the booking (or shortly thereafter). This was brought in because they had the situation that the Hotels would sell out really quickly after registration opened, only to suddenly end up with a load of cancellations just before the convention once people had sorted out room shares or realised they couldn't attend.


--- Quote from: Dhary Montecore on 02.02.2016, 18:27:31 ---As far as I know people are free to book a room WITHOUT paying for the con first as attendees should be free to choose not to attend if they don't have a room. Hence why they can see if they get a room before they need to pay.

--- End quote ---
That's true, I suppose there is no perfect way to solve this. I wouldn't want to pay the con fee either if I didn't know if its gonna work out.

I like the idea that SouthPaw has, this way you can make the payment and even decide to pay the convention ticket in the next month if money is scarce or don't pay at all if no room is available :)


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