Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Hotel Room Situation: Idea for improvement

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--- Quote from: SouthPaw on 03.02.2016, 14:30:58 ---Another idea would be to go down the route taken by Anthrocon and Further Confusion, whereby the Hotel charges the first night's stay to your card as a non-refundable deposit when you make the booking (or shortly thereafter). This was brought in because they had the situation that the Hotels would sell out really quickly after registration opened, only to suddenly end up with a load of cancellations just before the convention once people had sorted out room shares or realised they couldn't attend.

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Since the thead is about improvement: What does that improve?
I have several things in my mind, you could try to address, but for you, the attendees, nothing would be 'better' than now.
AFAIK we don't have a problem with canceled rooms, we have a problem with room capacity in general - every canceled room finds a new attendee very fast, until start of EF and probably it would even during.

 - Strangewolf


--- Quote from: Strangewolf on 16.02.2016, 20:50:24 ---AFAIK we don't have a problem with canceled rooms, we have a problem with room capacity in general - every canceled room finds a new attendee very fast, until start of EF and probably it would even during.
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Looking at the TOTAL numbers, you're right: we do have way less total room capacity than demand. This is nothing we can fix ourselves.

However, on an individual level, there is a second issue: many need to plan their vacations early in the year, and not having a hotel room secured is a major issue. So while we might get every room filled even shortly before the convention, I'd guess it's a different crowd: those who are really enthusiastic about EF, those who really want to go and need the planning security, will need to have made other arrangements already. Thus the rooms will probably be more filled with those spontanously deciding whether they're going to EF or not.


But none of that ideas (or ways AC does) will really make a change on that.
If I have to pay for the forst night in front, I just do... I can get my money back if I sell the room via forum/whatever anyways, I would not have to be worried about loosing that money.
If you would want to address that, hotel would have to take a rebook-fee (and even if they charge you 10 € it won't change a lot, IMHO).

 - Strange


--- Quote from: Strangewolf on 18.02.2016, 02:41:02 ---But none of that ideas (or ways AC does) will really make a change on that.
If I have to pay for the forst night in front, I just do... I can get my money back if I sell the room via forum/whatever anyways, I would not have to be worried about loosing that money.

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It might still keep some 'I'll book a room without knowing what the fuck I am doing'-type of people from doing it? Okay, I guess the number of these might be rather low.

But having *some* sort of motivation in place for people to 'only book a hotel room if you mean it' would be nice. Maybe a system that makes it easier for room partners to match up before registration… you enter the planned times and some basic preferences and get a list of other people matching this you could share a room with. Then you would send an inquiry for contact information and sort it out with the person.

Having more people who know how they will fill the rooms might decrease the 'I will book and figure out later' bookers?


It really is just a case of rising demand outmatching the capacity at the hotel, the moral is "book early, book fast".

With the move to the Estrel I was rather surprised at how quickly it has grown. When do they complete the addition of more rooms?


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