Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Hotel Room Situation: Idea for improvement

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--- Quote from: Z.G.I.F on 14.06.2016, 20:43:13 ---It really is just a case of rising demand outmatching the capacity at the hotel, the moral is "book early, book fast".

With the move to the Estrel I was rather surprised at how quickly it has grown. When do they complete the addition of more rooms?

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Of what I can find in 2017

But news is pretty slim. Some Google-foo does not bring up anything news.
I guess it does not make a lot of sense to report on a building progress unless there are some major hurdles or issues.

Trash that. Since they didn't even start... never ever.
AFAIK they will start next year (they can't start before the hightway progess is far enough at the area close to it) and will need about 2 years, which means that we could use the new tower in 2019 / for EF25.
Changes are close to 0, that it will be ready for EF 24.

Jedenfalls wird nächstes Jahr ein noch schlimmerer Kampf um die Zimmer im Estrel sein, als dieses Jahr.  Ein schlimmeres Hauen und Stechen. Und die Reichen werden wieder unfaire Vorteile haben!!  Weil sie sich eher die Zimmer sichern können als andere.

In any case, next year be a worse fight for the rooms at the Estrel, than this year. A worse cut and thrust. And the rich will again have an unfair advantage !! Because they are more able to secure the room than others.

Why should have rich people have advantage? EF books nearly the whole hotel and no one can book a room before the reg date. oO
There are just some rooms left from the hotel-room and whatever companies Estrel has a contract with.


--- Quote from: Twillight on 28.08.2016, 12:14:03 ---And the rich will again have an unfair advantage !! Because they are more able to secure the room than others.

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What are you talking about? The registration process is the same for everybody and starts at almost the same time every year.
So it should not be a problem to plan ahead and save some money till registration opens. ;)

We may could delay the booking for the hotelrooms by one or two weeks so people can think about who they want to room with first.


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