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Feedback - EF 22 - Restaurants and Show-Your-Badge

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The Cafe Dritter Raum was also really nice.
I don't think they had many coming from the con - actually I think I was the only one.
However they sounded very positive about the con and I can recommend going there for some coffee and a panini in the morning.

I'm a little sad about adding the first negative feedback to this topic, but oh well...

I was in the indian restaurant Shaan and didn't really have a good time. The quality was sub-par compared to other indian restaurants I know in Berlin and yet Shaan is pretty expensive. They were also very slow, despite not having a full house, the food just took way more than an hour to arrive and the portions were really small. They also made several mistakes around the orders and in general didn't really feel that helpful. Added up all above that, I also ended up paying full price for the dinner, the "show your badge" discount wasn't applied.

I do not know if there were two 'Shaan' restaurants… but I can share my own bit to this:

We were also there and also did not get an discount, despite us explaining it. DarkRat said tried to clear this up and got from someone(?) the note, that it should be cleared up and that they now know to give us a discount. That was BEFORE we heard from other going there later who were again charged the full price.

Unless there is some major misunderstanding or there are multiple Shaan restaurants, I feel bluntly ripped off. Would love to hear if someone could clear this up and if I they need to add them to my wall of shame!




--- Quote from: Token on 25.08.2016, 22:06:58 ---I do not know if there were two 'Shaan' restaurants…

--- End quote ---
Actually there are three, but only one is in walking distance to the Estrel and there were almost only furries there when I've been there.

Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: Kyera on 24.08.2016, 12:59:08 ---I'm a little sad about adding the first negative feedback to this topic, but oh well...

I was in the indian restaurant Shaan and didn't really have a good time. The quality was sub-par compared to other indian restaurants I know in Berlin and yet Shaan is pretty expensive. They were also very slow, despite not having a full house, the food just took way more than an hour to arrive and the portions were really small. They also made several mistakes around the orders and in general didn't really feel that helpful. Added up all above that, I also ended up paying full price for the dinner, the "show your badge" discount wasn't applied.

--- End quote ---

I went there with a few friends and we had exactly the same experience as you: slow service, order mistakes and forgotten discount :(


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