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Feedback EF22 80's Dance.

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Im Namen aller Dj's , die am 80'th Dance teilgenommen haben, würde ich gerne wissen wie es euch gefallen hat.

Eure Meinungen, Kritik und Anregungen sind sehr erwünscht!!

Mein Fazit:

Es war mir eine große Ehre wieder als Dj  mit Vinyls mitmachen zu dürfen.
Grosses Lob an MaiFundi und alle andere im Dj Team.  Ihr ward sau geil!!!

Großes Lob auch an alle die mit der Technik zutun hatten!! So geil haben meine Platten noch nie auf einem Dance geklungen!!

Aber eine kleine Kritik habe ich dann doch: Ein kleiner Kasten Wasser oder Six-Pack  (auch wenn es das aller billigste Wasser gewesen wäre) für die Dj's hinter der Bühne wäre toll gewesen.
Großes Lob an MaiFundi der dann noch für etwas Wasser für die Dj's gesorgt hat!!!

On behalf of all Dj's, who participated in the 80'th Dance, I would like to know how you liked it.

Your opinions, comments and suggestions are very welcome !!

My conclusion:

It was to be allowed to join a great honor again as Dj with vinyl.
Large compliment to MaiFundi and all others in Dj Team. You were extreme great.

Kudos also to all who have to do with art !! So hot my records have never sounded on a Dance !!

But a small criticism I have: A small box of water or six-pack (even if it would have been the cheapest of all the water) for the Dj's backstage would have been great.
Kudos to MaiFundi has still caused some water for the Dj's !!!

I absolutely enjoyed the dances. Great music with great DJs :)
Thanks a lot ;)

As far as I saw, it was a really popular dance with a crowded floor, at least in the first hours. I think many people love the change in pace and musical style. It's awesome, that our dances are so diverse!

Well done, DJs and organisers! I have't heard a single bad thing about the dance(s) so far.

I hope the 80s dance will return next year. Maybe as a mixed 80/90 dance, so we get our fill of cheesy europop hymns? :3

Compliments to the light and laser operators, by the way. Many people I spoked to were praising how awesome the light show looked this year. I think your work really made a difference! This applies to all three dances.

The 80s dance was THE party highlight for me, it became better and better every year!  :D
The only complaint from my side would be, that on an 80s party I expect the ORIGINAL songs to be played and not some boring remixes. Especially "Ghostbusters" got ruined terribly this way. So please, dear DJs, just play the ORIGINAL songs, they are awesome, don't mess around with them.
I really hope, that this event will return next year, I loved it so much!


--- Quote from: CleanerWolf on 28.08.2016, 00:49:13 ---The 80s dance was THE party highlight for me, it became better and better every year!  :D
The only complaint from my side would be, that on an 80s party I expect the ORIGINAL songs to be played and not some boring remixes. Especially "Ghostbusters" got ruined terribly this way. So please, dear DJs, just play the ORIGINAL songs, they are awesome, don't mess around with them.
I really hope, that this event will return next year, I loved it so much!

--- End quote ---

Hi^^ I was with my part as from about 1:10pm to  I think off 2:00 o'clock and have to depose me from the others, no mixing and playing pure original from the late Eighties of my vinyl Records. Because in that case, I'm also a purist like you !! :)
And that made a clear contrast, because of the variety. For the people who do not so much like this mixing plant.
Did you hear my part? Do you like the songs from this?

Ich war mit meinem Part so von ca.1 Uhr 10 bis ich glaube 2 Uhr dran und habe, um mich von den anderen abzusetzen, nicht gemixt und nur pure originale aus den achzigern  von meinen Vinyl Platten gespielt.  Denn in dem Fall bin ich auch Purist wie du!! :)
Und damit einen klaren Gegensatz gemacht, wegen der Abwechslung.  Für die Leute, die diese Mischerei auch nicht so sehr mögen.
Hast du meinen Part gehört? Haben dir die Songs daraus gefallen?


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