Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF23 Feedback (2017)

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Just gonna do a few points fast :

- Moving the smoker space from front entrance to secondary was not a solution. It smelled like cigaret even in the upper floor of wing 3 ! It just moved the problem. A space away from doors should be chosen.

- The Estrel lobby/bar. Why closing so early even when still packed ? Where was the nice cheap drink options we had the previous year ? All the staff with tail and ears ? EF prime playing on the TV's ? I really miss all that.

- Air-conditioning. In some rooms, it seems to have worked perfectly, but in places like the DD when you entered it really felt moisty and warm. Same in the lobby sometimes.

Thank you all for the wonderful con experience once again, and I have to say that this might be favorite EF so far! (or well, my first one will always be #1 for me, but this year was really close second atleast)
It was also my first time as a sponsor and all the benefits I got were totally worth the extra price, might even go supersponsor next year!

+ The theme was something I wasn't too crazy about first but I loved the decorations, conbook, sponsor gifts etc. So I ended up really liking the theme a whole lot than I thought!
+ Nothing was extremely late and I didn't really mind the delays since they weren't too long
+ Fursuit lounge was awesome as always, I really liked the ice tea and iced coffee choices for drinks! And I could find a spot to dry my head and hands almost everytime I got to the lounge, even during peak times like after the parade and all
+ No place felt overly crowded

My cons are mostly just about Estrel and they were notified about all of these points! But I still wanna mentoin them here

- Our room A/C was really cold all the time and we couldn't turn it down, unless we notified the reception. At one point we just gave up since it was annoying to always go ask them to come and crank it down lol (the system in our room was weird) *Estrel was notified about this
- Our room keys stopped working alot, and we had to go fix them all the time, even after we got to replace them. On Saturday we decided not to bother anymore since we were mostly going to the room together anyway with my roommate. Yes we made sure they are not in contact with any electric devices or anything, the cards just constantly stopped working right after the other one was fixed xD *Estrel was notified about this

+/- On most days, the schedule overlapped all the time but that's just my taste and not something to blame the people who made the schedule! I still got to see some really nice panels and stuff even tho I couldn't attend everything.
+/- Not really a con for me personally, since it didn't bother me/I didn't notice it at the con, but rather just remembered it; I don't think I saw anyone at the Fursuit Lounge checking for badges after Wednesday or so... This might have been an issue to some people and I hope they notified the lounge workers about it!

I can't really think of any cons about EF really! It was amazing con and I can't wait to be back again next year, hopefully the hotel reservation is less of a mess next time!

James The Dog:

--- Quote from: djem on 23.08.2017, 11:45:10 ---- Moving the smoker space from front entrance to secondary was not a solution. It smelled like cigaret even in the upper floor of wing 3 ! It just moved the problem. A space away from doors should be chosen.
--- End quote ---


While moving it away from the main entrance and the steps down to the road was a big help and improvement, they just moved it in front of the entrance to the other atrium, with the doors open, so that area flooded with smoke instead- and that's the area you have to walk through to get to and from the main con space. Moving smokers away from open doors is definately what's needed.

Also, it reminds me why I won't be attending BLFC any time soon, as that's in a hotel that actually allows smoking INSIDE and you have to walk through it to get around

--- Quote ---- The Estrel lobby/bar. Why closing so early even when still packed ? Where was the nice cheap drink options we had the previous year ? All the staff with tail and ears ? EF prime playing on the TV's ? I really miss all that.
--- End quote ---

I definately missed EF prime on the TVs in the lobby. In past years I've been keeping an eye on it when sitting in the lobby and sending lots of tweets there. With it not being on in the lobby, and spending little non-sleeping time in my room, I barely saw it and I think I only sent a couple of tweets to it.

For me it was a great convention.
Especially the Pawpet-show was amazing and the highlight of all events.
Story, the puppets and the soundtrack - awesome!

Nevertheless there are a few things I want to mention, which in my opinion require some improvement

The splitting in two seperate queues for receiving the badge and the t-shirt wasn't organized well without any signs where to queue for what:
Next year please some signs: "Queue here for Registration","Queue here here for T-Shirts" etc.
To hand out the fursuiter's badges an in the fursuiter's lounge was a good idea.

I have missed badly the mini schedule event plan for the trouser pocket, like the last years.
By the way, all my friends missed it as well.

Fursuit Lounge:
I really appreciate the "Show your Head - practice", even though it is uncomfortable. But i like the plus of security.
But this year nobody after the official begin of the convention checkes the Fursuiter's Badges at the entrance of the Fursuiter's Lounge. Not very secure, I dare to say.
And I have missed the second lounge, the small one near the Lobby. Of course. there was the breakfast room that year, but maybe it will be possible the next year to establish that small lounge somewhere else in the lobby.

Convention Zone:
Here also a lack of badge control.

Games Corner:
I like to play Card Games (Magic the Gathering for Instance), but I wasn't able to play during this Convention, since the Games Corner opened only after 9.00 PM (21 Uhr). So if I want to join the main events, I can't use the Games corner.
During the morning hours and early afternoon there was no opportunity to find someone to play.
Of course I understand that staff is needed for keeping an eye on the consoles etc and that these people doing that job don't have time during the day. Nevertheless I wonder if it would be possible in the future, to declare an empty room with a few tables and chairs to a Games Corner during the day? It would be highly appreciated.
This year the schedule of the events wasn't optimal. All events crowded during the evening hours. And a lot of events parallel, for example the Fursuit Group Photo.

The T-Shirt Motive wasn't my cup of tea that year. Too many flowers too less egyptian.
And the colour - I usually like beige as a colour for a T-Shirt, but this motive in gold would have had a better contrast on a black T-Shirt. In general, this year's t-shirt seems to be more suitable for females than for males...

I love to help animals in need, but why can't we support a regional animal shelter in or around Berlin or an animal sanctuary like Gut Aiderbichl? Only a thought.

The bill wasn't correct two times: They charged my roommate a wrong roomfee and they charged me something from the minibar I didn't consume. Of course, it was refunded as we complained but I hope it was stress and not method.
The Air Conditioning in the whole Hotel was a desaster this year.
In our Room the only thing the A/C did was to produce noise. The service technician removed the filter, but with no effect.
The elevators (tower 2) - should I say more?

But all in all it has been a great convention.
The best improvement this year was in my opinion the seperate queue for the "common" sponsors. Thank you!
And a lot of thanks to all the staff doing a VERY good job and spending their free time for us.
I am looking forward to the next EF.


--- Quote from: Khirdras on 23.08.2017, 20:47:03 ---I have missed badly the mini schedule event plan for the trouser pocket, like the last years.
By the way, all my friends missed it as well.
--- End quote ---

They were on the table next to the registration desk. You must have not seen them :)


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