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EF24 Pawpet show

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Btw., to the girl lauging like a fire alarm:
Thank you that you probably left after the closing and watched the show from your room, at least I didn't notice you during the show anymore. I'm sure you can't help it, I don't know you, but thank you for your deference, I really appreciate it.

Personally I liked the Pawpet Show overall.
It was not my favorite one, but it ranked up nicely. I like SciFi and the characters were well written.
Especially Sina, who underwent a major, yet believable, change in character (Plus I like Snowfluffs)
Sorin felt a little flat, but he was also an enjoyable character, alongside with Lyra and Link.
Puppeteering was well done and I really liked that in almost every scene there were supporting characters who interacted with each other and that made the scenes more alive.
Using the screens to add a character to the scene going on on the stage was nice, I was sitting in the middle of the room, so everything was visible (but yeah, front row isn't the best place to be).
The Ice cream cone... "OMG, IT'S MELTING!"
While being silly and while I agree that taking an injured Link to the hospital would have been more realistic, still had it's desired effect and was by far the most funny scene in this play.
Probably among my personal Top5 of funny scenes in the EF Pawpet shows I've watched so far (starting at EF17).
Honestly I almost wet myself, hats off to you for this one!  ;D
And last but not least... the zero G scene were Sina tried to deactivate the bomb was top notch and felt...real. Awesome!

But of course there were also some things that I did not like.
It took a while to get started and sometimes had it's lengths. I know you wanted all those awesome ideas on the stage, but sometimes it would have been better to shorten stuff a bit.
Link getting severely shot (at least it felt that way) and then he was perfectly fine again in the next scene didn't really add up.
Scene changes were slow, as they always seem to be massive. Those big scene changes would have been awesome on TV, but for a theatrical play that was probably too much work (I really don't envy you guys doing those changes. Big hats off for the work involved, nevertheless).
With those long scene changes and the occasional lengths it was sometimes a bit hard to stay fully concentrated and follow the story.

Still, I really enjoyed this year's Pawpet Show and I think the opening title will be stuck in my head for a while.
But please be careful, so you don't grind yourself up by trying to make it bigger, better and more complex every year.

I'd like to add something to the scene changes.

For me, it felt, as if there were fewer of these little snippets of extra story.
I bet, counting them and those of other shows, they are around the same number, but since the changes were so long and most without these extra snippets, it dragged even more.

If possible, please add more of them in, maybe even longer ones for long set-changes, to stuff some extra story into them... pieces you might be able to pull from the actual scenes to shorten them a tiny bit or simply to flesh out the background/history of the world.
I guess, many ideas already had to be cut due to limitations with timing, use (if possible) that extra time in between.

And maybe add a bit of a narrator (or simply text on a screen) to explain some holes ^^
It was for me hardly evident, mostly thanks to the cryo-pods, that the travel times within the solar system were rather slow... it was explained though, in the "PPS Production Updates" ... so these could be a perfect explanation for why a wound was healed between 2 scenes, because they were so far apart and the modern medicine could accelerate the healing properly, since it was "just a flesh wound"


--- Quote from: Kulze on 28.08.2018, 13:31:48 ---The base of the story was good, as well as the some of the plot-twists revolving around it, so the foundation was solid and better then some of the other shows over the years, just the execution of it was flawed in some major ways. Namely, Lyra was depicted as the main character while it actually was a story about Sina. Lyra didn't have any changes in personality over the course of the play, something which is the basic of the basic, the whole part was pushed onto Sina when it came out that her parents aren't the bad guys. While usually a good story is seen as one where the main character personally starts to realize problems over time (with nudging from others), this time it was Lyra more or less forcing all the changes onto Sina, that felt odd and unfitting.
As a second one, the Stillwaters had a very unbelievable and odd personality. Why would such lovely people start to sell weapons in the first place? They didn't seem like hard business-persons, it didn't fit them.

--- End quote ---

I agree on the Lyra/Sina part. Both "main" characters, Lyra and Sorin remained relatively flat and were outshone by the more charismatic Sina (and, to a degree, Link). So I also felt the balance was a bit off here. Lyra certainly played an important role in the play, but somehow I couldn't emotionally "connect" to her a lot.

Too bad, this pps wasn't a follow up from last year and we didn't see Ortha again. *whines*
But at least, I had the chance to get a hug from her this year.

Ok, most of the thing have been already addressed. The long scene changes were the worst for me, since I always lost track. And when everyone starts talking and get the phone out, you know it's too long.
When I saw the bomb in space, I expected a bomb 20 joke coming up. Oh well, maybe next time. ( )

Anyways, I enjoyed the show nonetheless.
One question at last: Where can we find the short films, animations and such that were shown in the intermissions? ;)


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