Eurofurence Information > Feedback

It's not possible for a regular attendee to reserve a Suite.

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FYI, I'm director level and roomed with another director level staffer in probably the smallest room the Estrel has to offer (not counting the inside of the Narnia wardrobe). We both consider ourselves friends with Cheetah, too.



--- Quote from: Hai on 02.09.2018, 20:41:49 ---Could you explain this "friend of the chairman" thing, please? Are you saying people get early reservations solely for being frietds with Cheetah? Could it be that they are friends with him _and_ their roomies are actually staffers? :)

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I don't want to get the person in trouble, so I won't name names; but I definitely found someone received early booking privilege to get their suite who is NOT Eurofurence Staff.

hi, i'm staff and as such get to book a room early, i had a standard room and as kalaallitamaroq i paid not only for my room but as a supersponsor.
i'm sorry you did not get the room you wanted, but if the room really means so much to you. then join our staff and get the perk.
but by the sound of your post, i think you will regret this as you now have to work. instead of hosting room parties.
hope to see you again next year though! <3


--- Quote from: gummi_bjorn on 07.09.2018, 22:42:23 ---hope to see you again next year though! <3

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It's not likely you will, actually.

Twing Twang:

--- Quote from: timoran on 11.09.2018, 08:31:04 ---It's not likely you will, actually.

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Thank you for making it easier for other people to get a suite :)


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