Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF24 Feedback (Many points)

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--- Quote from: Cifer on 31.08.2018, 22:58:09 ---While I don't know about your experiences, I haven't heard of artists being completely sold out within the sponsor time - most that I know were definitely still taking commissions at least on Friday. So in the end, the sponsors get the same stuff everyone else is getting, just with a little more comfort.

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Same - I did supersponsor this year (which was also my first year at EF) and didn't go to the Dealers' Den during early access, but at every artist I scouted for commissions, they were still open on the Friday. So if the artists aren't completely selling out their commission slots during early access, I don't see why this perk is a problem. Alternatively, what would you suggest instead?


--- Quote from: JayDJ on 01.09.2018, 14:39:15 ---
--- Quote from: Cifer on 31.08.2018, 22:58:09 ---While I don't know about your experiences, I haven't heard of artists being completely sold out within the sponsor time - most that I know were definitely still taking commissions at least on Friday. So in the end, the sponsors get the same stuff everyone else is getting, just with a little more comfort.

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Same - I did supersponsor this year (which was also my first year at EF) and didn't go to the Dealers' Den during early access, but at every artist I scouted for commissions, they were still open on the Friday. So if the artists aren't completely selling out their commission slots during early access, I don't see why this perk is a problem. Alternatively, what would you suggest instead?

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Sometimes the artists are indeed still open for commissions after the early access period but I have been to quite a few cons where this wasn't the case. My suggestion is simply removing this perk without replacing it with something else as I don't feel that it would affect sponsorship amount. (Currently the poll shows it, but we need more votes).

Personaly speaking: I think the whole Dealers Den thing is part of the believe on missing something out. I know for a fact that some artists give out commission slots not as a bulk but on a daily basis so everyone has a chance. Also, it is way more relaxed in the den after the initial run. I would love to see a better management by the artists on whom they are giving commission slots, but on the other hand it is still their business.

I will however still stay in the lobby and ask the artists I like via social media if they have a slot then waiting in line...


--- Quote from: meo on 01.09.2018, 15:00:56 ---Personaly speaking: I think the whole Dealers Den thing is part of the believe on missing something out. I know for a fact that some artists give out commission slots not as a bulk but on a daily basis so everyone has a chance. Also, it is way more relaxed in the den after the initial run. I would love to see a better management by the artists on whom they are giving commission slots, but on the other hand it is still their business.

I will however still stay in the lobby and ask the artists I like via social media if they have a slot then waiting in line...

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So, if it is possible to still get commissions without missing out even without super sponsoring on later days or via social media, that would mean that this perk isn't really a perk is it? That is, it wouldn't cause people to super sponsor if they wouldn't otherwise which again means it can be safely removed.


--- Quote from: Rishary on 01.09.2018, 15:04:34 ---So, if it is possible to still get commissions without missing out even without super sponsoring on later days or via social media, that would mean that this perk isn't really a perk is it? That is, it wouldn't cause people to super sponsor if they wouldn't otherwise which again means it can be safely removed.

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It definitely is a perk, nothing can be said against that, and it's one which is a large reason as to why people take Supersponsor as well. Also, depending on the artist, not everyone was booked out for commissions after the Supersponsor and Sponsor rush. Some reserved some spaces for normal attendees, but that's the choice of the relevant artists personally. Vader-san was one such example, he had a specific amount reserved for the specific opening times to give everybody a chance.

Also, the Supersonsor entry doesn't only concern commissions, it also does with liquors, books, shirts, basically everything. It's not 'pay extra for a 50€ commission' but a 'pay extra for whatever you like to buy' thing.
The same could be said about Supersponsor seating then. If the mindset is not to offer any 'unfair advantages' to them, those would've to go as well, same with the specific presents. Though they are paid for with the price, it's still something that only Sponsors and Supersponsors can get. My reason for being a Supersponsor is simple, or rather my 2 reasons. Number 1: Aid the con without putting personal work into it, I want to enjoy the time and not work. And 2: I'm small, I need a seat in a good place or things like the Pawpetshow will just be useless to me.

So, take away this 'unfair bonus' and half the reason would be gone for me already. While all the mentioned points are definitely relevant, sane arguments and absolutely understandable, how many people would just Sponsor or Supersonsor out of the good of their hearts?
It would be significantly less, meaning significantly less spending money for EF and therefore a lower quality con. I have to say, I rather see the unfairness of it (easy to say since I am a Supersponsor since 8 years now in the row) then having it change to a festival of 'early arrival only' events, where I have to queue up for hours to see a single panel, missing out on all the other things on the side. That would happen with the pawpetshow, the dealer's den, Kage's show and some others, meaning instead of enjoying the con, we would have more of a 'enjoying the line' like so many other big conventions have problems with. And if that should ever happen in the future, well... then I wouldn't aid the con personally anymore aswell, simply because the enjoyment would be missing for me.


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