Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF24 Feedback (Many points)

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--- Quote from: Rishary on 01.09.2018, 15:04:34 ---
--- Quote from: meo on 01.09.2018, 15:00:56 ---Personaly speaking: I think the whole Dealers Den thing is part of the believe on missing something out. I know for a fact that some artists give out commission slots not as a bulk but on a daily basis so everyone has a chance. Also, it is way more relaxed in the den after the initial run. I would love to see a better management by the artists on whom they are giving commission slots, but on the other hand it is still their business.

I will however still stay in the lobby and ask the artists I like via social media if they have a slot then waiting in line...

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So, if it is possible to still get commissions without missing out even without super sponsoring on later days or via social media, that would mean that this perk isn't really a perk is it? That is, it wouldn't cause people to super sponsor if they wouldn't otherwise which again means it can be safely removed.
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The perk part is the fact that they get to enjoy the Dealer's Den first, with less queue time outside, less crowd inside and while the air is still breathable. At least that's why I was slightly envious of them, but hey - they pay for my con events, so good for them. I can live with waiting a little more. I can live with getting the "worse" spots at the main stage - after all, that's what the two ginormous screens are for. And I would have loved to go to Convention War Stories, but so far, there's always been a clip of it on Youtube sooner or later.
I think the organizers have struck a good balance between giving out a nice perk that doesn't cost them anything to provide and not unduly disadvantaging the rest of the con-goers.

The difference between the early access perk and the priority seating is that you can still watch the shows from the standard seating places quite well. Once the commissions/unique items are gone then they are gone, you can't get them so the analogy is weak in my opinion.

To put it simple, let's say there is an item that is limited enough to be sold out during early access I have two options, no middle grounds:
a. Pay the extra 150 euro to get it (Or get someone else that paid to do it for me)
b. Not get it, even if I'm willing to queue up for 2 hours.
This isn't true for the show events as I can still get good seating and view it perfectly fine by simply standing in queue.

And again, we don't even know if this perk even leads to more sponsorship at the con.

Please also don't disregard the fact that having three distinct opening times means less queuing and a more comfortable experience for everyone.
I believe there were times in the past where security had to stop people at the entrance, only allowing one person in when one person came out, because the Den was simply too crowded. This system greatly alleviates this with minimal cost to all parties involved.

To come back to your original reason: have you ever been in a situation where the artist you wanted to commission was closed by the time the DD opened up for regular attendees? Because from what I'm reading here, this is rarely if ever the case. Some artists even put safeguards in place to prevent this.
I thus fail to see the rationale behind the call to remove this perk, and even moreso the rationale behind choosing explicitly NOT to sponsor the con as long as that perk is there.

And finally: I believe that perk was not put in place as a way to motivate people to sponsor the con. It's simply a way to give back to the people that participate in allowing the con to happen in the first place. If that in turn attracts more sponsorship, then great! If not, it doesn't matter because that's not its goal in the first place.

About distinct opening items resulting in less queuing - True, but this would happen naturally as people who don't want to snatch hard to get items would simply come back later instead of go as soon as possible.

About missing unique items - It would have happened to me if I didn't send a friend to get me the unique items that I wanted.

I would like to be proven wrong on the following statement - Early access can cause certain people to be upset while simultaneously not helping the con get more sponsors.


--- Quote from: Cifer on 01.09.2018, 15:29:07 ---The perk part is the fact that they get to enjoy the Dealer's Den first, with less queue time outside, less crowd inside and while the air is still breathable.
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How about having sponsor/supersponsor hours on Friday? Then the sponsors could still enjoy the less crowded Den, and everybody afraid to miss anything can queue all they want on Thursday.


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