Heyo, i'm a beginner fursuiter that will attend Eurofurence this year on my own. I have a couple of questions about the fursuit lounge, locker system, and handlers.
About the fursuit lounge:
I know it is a big room, but are there seperate changing rooms there? Since i have no room at the estrel, it would be neat if i could change from my regular clothes to my underarmor and fursuit with privacy.
About the lockers:
When i'm done for the day, do i have to go to security and simply ask for a locker for my fursuit/bags? Or do i just give security my stuff and let them put it somewhere safe where nobody can steal it? And are the lockers big enough for a full fursuit?
Is a handler a must? I have no friends, but fursuiting at a furry convention seems lots of fun to me! (Even though i will be nervous as hell for the first time but i gotta push myself to have fun and be social for once) I know handlers keep you away from danger, but is eurofurence even that dangerous for a lone fursuiter?
I'm planning to spend my time getting to know the area of the convention first before suiting so i won't get lost n' stuff.
Thank you for reading! I'm pretty hyped for my first eurofurence honestly, but i wanna make sure what to expect so i can be fully prepared.