"Ringberg Hotel under new ownership."
Hi everyone,
I just received a rather alarming email from Mr. Kanig, the Manager of the Ringberg Hotel. It appears that the administration of the Ringhotel Group has decided to sell off a number of hotels in order to avoid to having to file for "Gläubigerschutz", which is the German equivalent of "Chapter 11". Unfortunately, the Ringberg Hotel seems to be among them. At this point it's not clear if this affects our contract, but seeing WHO they sold this property to (The Rewe group), doesn't exactly make things look to good.This is the article as it appeared in "Spiegel Online" yesterday (sorry, german only, maybe someone cares to post a translation ...). I'll keep you posted.

Edit: Spiegel insists on putting their @§$%&-Session ID in the URL so linking directly only gave everyone else but me "session expired". Sorry. It took me a while to notice that. Replaced link with screenshot. Takes more space, but at least it works
