Ok, time for some official information, i guess.
In accordance with with the rest of staff, I have relocated the fursuit lounge from the old room to the fitness area.
That is the area between the elevators and the Pool and Sauna.
- The complete table area in front of the fitness bar will be the cool down lounge with fans and refreshments.
- The table tennis room is about the size of the old room and will be the changing and drying room. This rooom will have the dryer racks for suits and heads and the repair corner.
Terms of use:
1) Accountability:a) The fursuit area will NOT be staffed with security. Everyone using it, does so at their own risk. Nothing bad happened last year, but we are not responsible if your things disappear.
b) However fursuit support staff and security are always available for you if you have questons or problems. Staff has final say about what goes and what doesn't.
2) Use of dryers and blowers:a) Please be reasonable with the use of our dryers and blowers. Once your suits and heads are dry, remove them from the racks to make room for others. Do not block a whole cool air blower by sticking your paws and shirt to it.
b) Fursuit Staff has the right to remove suits from the racks if they feel they are dry. That does NOT mean that we maintain a drying service. It means we are rude and may or may not take off your suit and place it somewhere else in the room without notice, so others can use the dryers as well. Especially if some suiter informs us that he would like to use the rack and can't find an empty spot, while there are dry suits on it.
3) Access:a) The fursuit lounge area is exclusively for fursuiters, in or out of suit. Regular non-suiting attendees should respect this privacy rule.
b) The fursuit area is open to every active suiter all the time, and to their helpers for the time of helping your suiting buddy. That means it is ok for any suiter to stay in the lounge area, even if they are not suiting.
However, if you are currently not suiting, please be reasonable. Leave the refreshments and snacks for people currently suiting. Leave the room if it is overcrowded with suiters in costume.
4) HousekeepingFursuit support staff is not in any way rewarded for what they do. We do not have any paid cleaning service from the hotel either.
Please make everyones life easy: Throw your trash and leftovers in the bin. Tidy up if you spilled something. Don't leave your stuff laying in the walkways.
Further support:We have more than twice the space we had last year. But we are on a very tight budget, even if we only rent new equipment instead of buying it. If you want to bring your own blower, water dispenser, head dryer or any other helpful equipment, we will definately appreciate that.

If you find the water dispensers empty, feel free to refill them directly at the bar only 5 meters away.
And now: Enjoy the convention.