Any and all are welcome to attend, with or without their cars

All that is needed now is to decide on a day and time *pokes a busy Nachtfuchs for input, then hides*

I'm thinking that perhaps Friday, 11am to 12pm/1pm-ish, depending on how many attend and how long people hang around for, would be a good time? Gives people time to wake up of a morning and sober up/have breakfast etc., before heading to the lower car park area, which is where we should aim to hold the meet as there is more room.
I'd also suggest that we stick to some basic rules, such as no dangerous driving - wheelspins, burnouts etc, as this will cause unnecessary noise nuisance to other attendees and possible damage to other vehicles if there is a loose road surface from flying gravel/stones etcetera. Engine revving, whilst showing off the noise of the car (especially if tuned), should be kept to a minimum, no constant/extended bouncing off the rev limiter - once again for noise concerns. Also, people may leave cars/windows open for others to take a look inside, don't just take this as an invite to climb in - please speak to the owner before leaning on/getting into any vehicle. I would suggest that unless with the car, owners keep keys with them on their person at all times when away from the vehicle.
@ All: If you think of any other safety/behaviour rules, please post them here so that we can keep track of them, and so that the EF staff can put them with the event description if there is enough room for an entry in the conbook.
@Nightfox: Is this a good time to avoid clashes with any other major events? Also, is there any chance you could slot it into the con timetable, and would there be the possibility of a small description including safety rules?