EF15: Late, early, double room, confee, sponsor was 285 euro.
EF16: Late, early, double room, confee, sponsor = 55 + 55 + 160 + 80 + 60 = 410 euro.
The difference between the two is 125 euro. And yes, I know I can save 60 euro by not doing the sponsor, but I did that last year, so why not this year. At least the T-Shirt and the other stuff is included, which saves money too

And then we have the parking. There might be cheaper options that will cost around the 10 euro a day, but that still leaves me with 60 euro extra. Still coming back to the 125 euro if I do not choose for sponsor. And 185 euro with sponsor.
I'm not really a man for complaining about money when we are all having a good time, but it has to be within limits

. So I gotta do same serious saving the next months, so I can pay the extra difference. And I am guessing that payment must be done within 2 weeks after registration

Also about the 3 persons in one room. I really do hope I am one of the lucky ones. If not, I will have to go in the process again of finding a roommate, which for me, is quite a challange, since I am picky with who I choose
