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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
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Author Topic: Drama: No Ranting Gryphon at Eurofurence 16????  (Read 32756 times)

Twing Twang

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Drama: No Ranting Gryphon at Eurofurence 16????
« Reply #15 on: 24.05.2010, 13:05:01 »

It's just not right. If you can't afford to go, then don't go!

I agree! Nobody should be allowed to have friends!


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Re: Drama: No Ranting Gryphon at Eurofurence 16????
« Reply #16 on: 24.05.2010, 17:08:26 »

You people really take it too far. Have fun.

Edit: I did agree this is everyone personal's decision after all. And in such debates I greatly enjoy seeing other people point of views. It really help me learn and enlighten me sometimes on points I didn't think of. I was only expressing what I thought was some people opinions without even expressing my own thought which was halved. But when you go and attack people, say stuff that is completely irrelevant to what I personally said or claim I feel this way or the other without me saying anything, it's just plain ugly.
« Last Edit: 24.05.2010, 18:37:49 by Skie »


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Re: Drama: No Ranting Gryphon at Eurofurence 16????
« Reply #17 on: 24.05.2010, 20:11:39 »

The point is that famous furs can more easily ask for such donations, and people like TigWolf simply find it's not fair.
But as mentioned above, nothing much can be done about such unfairness other than choosing not to donate.

I agree, everyone should have the legal right to have the same amount of supporters. The current model where everyone can freely choose who their friends are is unfair. We should maintain a central registry that decides for you who your friends and supporters are.  And of course people should also not be allowed to donate as much as they want to to the people they like! Therefore the registry would also track the value of all the gifts that furries give to each other, and if someone goes over their monthly gift-quota, it is automatically redirected to someone everyone hates.

I think that would be a much superiour community model :)

I think that's a bit harsh.*

Kage once made a speech about how your average furry fan is someone who was picked on growing up, and who has essentially joined the fandom as an escape from from being ostracized. That same sort of person is very likely to get upset when they see someone popular get preferential treatment (no matter how deserved), because they see it as a repeat of the same thing they were trying to avoid in the first place. It doesn't make it right, but it's something thats as inevitable as famous people getting more donations. I don't think it deserves any agreement, but I *do* think it deserves a little sympathy.

*but only as a reply to Skie. As a reply to TiGWolf I totally understand. :P


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Re: Drama: No Ranting Gryphon at Eurofurence 16????
« Reply #18 on: 25.05.2010, 10:54:04 »

I do see where Tig is going here though, it's just not brought the right way. I don't think he has anything against 2 in person but just the way this goes.
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Re: Drama: No Ranting Gryphon at Eurofurence 16????
« Reply #19 on: 25.05.2010, 11:49:03 »

When I saw "2" last year, I had tears of pure laughter. Kage also helped with that of course.
Taking all that effort to come here and putting on a great show. Yes. I think it's ok to ask for donations so he has enough for a ticket and a few drinks.
People who don't like him and/or don't like the situation don't donate.
People who agree with Kage and also find it mandatory that it won't be the same without "2"... donate!
It really is that simple in my eyes.

StripeKazama wasn't coming due to money shortage as well.
Now he is.
It's because I decided to lend him the money. It's because I choose to do it, because I thought it was worth it.
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Re: Drama: No Ranting Gryphon at Eurofurence 16????
« Reply #20 on: 25.05.2010, 21:39:12 »

I agree with Pony here.

Its someone's own choice if he/she asks for a donation

Its YOUR choice if you do it or not.

Why the drama about it its a waste of time.


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Re: Drama: No Ranting Gryphon at Eurofurence 16????
« Reply #21 on: 25.05.2010, 21:51:02 »

No, please continue the drama.

I'm really enjoying reading the simple Bwaaahmbulance replies of people who are complaining that somebody had the balls to ask for donations for a friend he wants to have over.

I really like the replies in the LJ post stating that Americans don't want to pay to have two over in Europe, and then missing the quite obvious fact that they don't have to pay to get 2 over to EuroFurence. There are quite some Eurofurs who do want him over and try to help setting the expenses for 2 to an acceptable level.

So, please continue whining that you have 300 friends who you want to have over, without having the balls to seriously ask for donations.
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Re: Drama: No Ranting Gryphon at Eurofurence 16????
« Reply #22 on: 25.05.2010, 23:15:49 »

Awesome reply really  :D
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