This is the bunch of finished commissions plus a few new templates. The chance to order personified chibis hereby expires. There is a chance though to order premade chibis for as long as I have empty key chain shells left. They are 5€ each and come _only_ in the colours mentioned.
The list of available chibis is as follows:# Sheep, Goat, Mufflon
# Rat (Albino, Siam, black hooded)
# Wolf (regular, brown, grey, white)
# Jackalope, Rabbit Floppy, Rabbit Tan
# Dragon (orange, lilac, turqoise)
# Fox (silver, red, cross)
# Pinto, Unicorn, Fjord, Pegasus
# Gryphon
# Tiger (regular, Tabby, white)
# Lion, Lioness
# Ferret, Otter, European Badger, Skunk
# dancing Dragon (green)
# Northern Sergal (dark grey) <-- extra fee
# Golden Jackal
# Snow Leopard
# Husky (dark grey, red)
# Doberman, cut (cut black, brown), Doberman uncut (black) might also work as a Rottweiler
# Axolotl
Following chibis are excluded from sales: personal characters, Amaterasu, Cringer, Robot Unicorn
Here is a photo of some pre made chibis.
They are about 5cm high.