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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits  (Read 47444 times)


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #30 on: 16.08.2010, 10:08:32 »

Though, a Towel?, really?, I had to laugh, well at least we'll know where our towels are!

It surely beats stealing hotel towels for souvenirs :)

But thats a national passtime for us british!


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #31 on: 16.08.2010, 10:53:29 »

If we can get BBF motivated to go on with the EF15 dvd once he has 30 hours of EF16-Footage on tape remains to be seen, though :)
It's why I hoped that making my own Eurofurence 15 highlight movie would please the crowd and keep them happy for a while, taking off the pressure a bit from BBF.
Quite amazing how -next to his job at RTL- he visits and makes all these con videos and puts them up for everyone to download for absolutely free, thanks to his amazing video team too of course.
The feedback I got from people left and right regarding my Eurofurence 15 video made me quite motivated to do the same thing again for Eurofurence 16.

Not directing this to anyone specifically:
If we all just can help one another a bit and pitch in whatever way we can instead of whining about it, then Eurofurence indeed will remain the awesome party it has always been.
It took me quite a bit of work and effort to make that video and it made me feel good contributing that, just like it felt totally right to chip in for -at least- Sponsor for the con itself.
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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #32 on: 16.08.2010, 13:08:12 »

Quite amazing how -next to his job at RTL- he visits and makes all these con videos and puts them up for everyone to download for absolutely free, thanks to his amazing video team too of course.

All these con videos... exactly, and no EF videos o.o
I keep seeing his videos from lots of big cons and events like AC and CF but no EF.
Not complaining here, just wondering why would someone prioritize other con's videos over his con video.

Anyway, Pony what you did is great and I hope with more help it will be even better this time :)
I also hope Elfasi will release someday a video from all the clips he took at EF.


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #33 on: 16.08.2010, 14:18:22 »

I think the difference is one of quality.

For most other cons, BBF creates a "best of" video cut within a few weeks. For some reason EF decided that we'll release con DVD's instead, which require a lot more work, not just on the video part. The entire audio of all the shows and dances will get remastered and redone, all videos get scanned more, there's more video tapes to begin with, and then there's DVD authoring to be done.
If EF would decide to just release a con video in the same style as every other BBF video, I am sure he'd have one released a month or two after EF. But, as it stands now, the decision to go for quality and DVD is what is holding the whole thing back, I think.

Personally..... I think I'd rather have a con video that's actually happening than a full-bells-and-whistles con DVD that may either never appear, or appear with a delay of multiple years.

But, anyway, that's nothing to do with sponsor goodies, so if you want to discuss further, let's open a new thread for that.

Best regards,


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #34 on: 16.08.2010, 21:42:16 »

We were planning to have an EF15 higlights DVD and an EF11 Pawpetshow DVD ("Songs of the old Ages") out for EF16. But our private lifes exploded in our faces, and we didn't get it finished. I promise to release at least the PPS dvd this year, and move on to producing the EF13 ("Unlucky Thirteen") PPS dvd. If we can get BBF motivated to go on with the EF15 dvd once he has 30 hours of EF16-Footage on tape remains to be seen, though :)

Well, the question is: Do we at least have a shop to sell any DVDs? :)
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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #35 on: 16.08.2010, 21:47:09 »

Well, the question is: Do we at least have a shop to sell any DVDs? :)

Sure, the shop we always used to sell our DVDs ...



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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #36 on: 16.08.2010, 21:51:03 »

For most other cons, BBF creates a "best of" video cut within a few weeks. For some reason EF decided that we'll release con DVD's instead, which require a lot more work, not just on the video part. The entire audio of all the shows and dances will get remastered and redone, all videos get scanned more, there's more video tapes to begin with, and then there's DVD authoring to be done.

Well said. It's exactly the problem. I can't pull 50 hours of footage through my camera at my own expenses, fortunately there are people helping me with that. However, this has generated the problem of tape- and file distribution, and I underestimated the amount of time needed to forward the tapes to helpers and to receive the files.

Also, since I'm working -for- EF and not doing my own thing as I do with most cons, I don't have 100% artistic freedom. People want the DVD to be produced a certain way, and all that is very time consuming. A typical con video would have been done in no time, but something like this needs lots more preparation and planning, and consideration to make people happy.

There will be an EF15 video, but I'm afraid that in all those years I've done video editting, this is the first time I couldn't keep up with my schedule.
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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #37 on: 17.08.2010, 12:57:13 »

Wow thanks for all the answers! :)

I do hope pps and con dvds will come out eventually.


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #38 on: 27.08.2010, 12:00:31 »

yeeey I´ll get a new Cappucino-Mug  ;D
Wow, and a T-Shirt and a Pin from Tani : :o

But the towel by super-sponsor is awsome!  :D
« Last Edit: 27.08.2010, 12:02:20 by Sinea »


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #39 on: 27.08.2010, 23:47:11 »

I promise to release at least the PPS dvd this year, and move on to producing the EF13 ("Unlucky Thirteen") PPS dvd.

Yes! Finally!!! I've been waiting for that one for YEARS.

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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #40 on: 10.09.2010, 00:37:28 »

Now its after the con, having been as a Super Sponsor, the question is

"Was it worth it?"

I'd say yes, very much so, the seating block for stage events was great even if it wasn't entirely monitored at times and when the show starts I'm surprised nobody decided to move up closer, there was some very nice seats up close!.

The supersponsor events were, well interesting, the first Sake appreciation turning into 'Sakai' appreciation due to the fact of..well no Sake!, even then it was more Uncle Kage's Storyhour with added live illustrations by Stan Sakai!.

The early access to the Dealers den was well worth it, I didn't really do much for the Art-Show (I got outbid on EVERYTHING) but then I was glad not to endure the hours of queuing.

Negative points?, I've none really, maybe one or two more exclusive panels would've been neat but what we had was awesome...well okaay, i maybe have one lil wish for next year....

Purple Lanyards!

Attendees were green, sponsors were yellow, supersponsor had a purple marker on the badge, so we should have purple lanyards! ^_^

I'm not serious really, I had alot of fun and would happily go Super Sponsor again!.
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