Have you any idea of the economics involved behind such a move?
Conference rooms at Hotels tend to be (relatively) cheap if you guarantee a certain number of room nights. (In EF's case, that's the majority of the Hotel). A standalone conference centre is VERY expensive.
Not the same country, admittedly, but the ExCeL Centre in London quoted a rate of £16100 (around €18950) per day, exclusive of tax, for the use of their Conference Centre (capacity 1100) a couple of years ago.
Well it should be mentioned that London is the second most expensive city in Europe. Right after Copenhagen.
But no I haven't looked far into the area.
I just noticed that allot of other cons use this form "anime, gaming"
And if they use it, it doesn't sound like its a totally problematic thing.
Off course I could look into the conference center prices outside of the big citys.
But I think that is for the EF staff to do, since in the end its their desission.
I was just curios if that approach had been looked into at all.
Since I Haven't had luck to find any mention about it.
Merry Christmas