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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Streifen premiere aftermath  (Read 56270 times)


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #15 on: 09.09.2010, 21:10:35 »

Yeppers, thats exactly how it feels to me. The application I used for "Streifen" did everything it could to prevent any kind of noticeable workflow. It was like being stuck in the eighties all the time. Blender just offers many ways to do things. And most of them are insanely elegant.

Sorry man, I have no further plans to release additional artwork. Only if someone visits me, scans all the stuff and puts it online by himself. Yet I see no way for me to do that (haven't even updated fireball for decades). Time is a very tight resource.


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #16 on: 09.09.2010, 21:56:27 »


Oh by the way, Im offering myself to create subtitles for Streifen 2.0 (first in English, and then translate them into Czech, if you aproove it). Sometimes I had bit of a hard time of understanding certain words, or sentences, either because of the way they were spoken, or because they were overpowered by rest of the audio (sounds, or music).
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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #17 on: 10.09.2010, 20:27:26 »

Ah.. kay. I'll prolly come back to that. Mebbe a hardcoded version. Not quite sure yet. Editing them into the movie is also quite some work. See you got some sparetime the next time well meet at ef. I'll hand you my computer to do that ;)

Anyways, blender is still going very well (I think I might know what bothered your friend tough. He might have fooled around with "multires". That one does indeed change the mesh a little even if you aply it with very low impact. However thats nothing that can not be fixed.)
If you want to see more of the blending-process I suggest you follow my livejournal at

I will post there news and WIP pictures on a (more or less) regular base. Stay tuned!

kind regards


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #18 on: 10.09.2010, 23:54:28 »

You need not to worry now. Ill use the movie from DVD ive bought, and create subtitles as a separate file in the following days (using a freeware soft named "Subtitle workshop"). Then Ill send them to you so you can check if they actually fit, and do the corrections. After that you can put them up for download with the video on vimeo.

Oh, by the way, Im following your LJ for a year or so now (i do not remember exactly, id have to check). Looking forward to see you on next eurofurence.

PS: As per your Streifen related artwork. Bring it to EF next year then :) Ill bring my scanner (HP Scanjet 3800) along, and will try to do the scanning (if the artwork fits into it).
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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #19 on: 11.09.2010, 00:54:22 »

I had no idea what I was going in for except it was a film, and I was really pleasently suprised - have to say I found it incredibly trippy, but very well done and enjoyable, and most importantly for any director I'm still thinking about the film a week or so on.

I would have got a DVD but I was severely lacking in funds, to the extent I now have about 5Euro in my bank account, I'll pick up a copy when you've released the final version. I stayed right to the end but didn't say anything as for one I had nothing really to add that hadn't already been said, mainly some parts confused me but it was overall fantastic, and two I literally can't really speak in front of a room of others as I suffer from a rather severe stammer >_>

But yes, very good, you can definatly tell how much effort went into it.


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #20 on: 11.09.2010, 12:38:54 »

@everyone: I just realized that most emails I recieved from "unknown" poeple just went into my spam-directory and some of them seemed to be deleted already. So, if anyone here send me an email concerning "Streifen" and did not get a reply yet just send -your mail one more time. Ill see to open the spam folder on a regular base by now and get them answered more quickly.

@loco: That's certainly a brilliant idea (for me). However I won't be there 2011 or even 2011. EF was financially quite exhausting and I am afraid I just can not afford attending there on a regular base and without a "Purpose" (well, i.E. like showing a movie)

@amaru. That's perfectly understandable. I was already broke in the very minute I arrived at the con. And without selling a handfull of DVDs I could not even afford hanging around in the bar. Just imagine: McDo-Cheesburgers have been my only diet from wednesday (arrival) and friday evening =)
So, don't bother too much with a DVD. I don't think I will produce new ones (Too much effort for a very little demand). Anyway, you will be able to see it on vimeo within a couple of weeks tough.

kind regards


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #21 on: 11.09.2010, 13:35:45 »

Don't underestimate the power of DVDs ... you'll deeply regret if your only copy is an ephemeral data stream on some commercial video site who will delete your movie on a whim, and that you can ONLY watch online.

From my experience with publishing videos: If people ask for DVDs ... sell them DVDs. It will always be worth the effort. And the effort is really small. Just a couple of minutes per DVD, and if you take pre-orders, you don't even have to spend money. People like to collect and archive what they cherish.And people like to watch stuff in their home theatre without network dropouts, constant re-buffering and other typical online-video annoyances :) And even today, people don't go "oh, let's hook up the PC to the livingroom HDTV, I want you to show a video on vimeo". People still go, "I've brought this DVD that you should really watch!" :) Even in my circle of friends, and we're all total internet nuts.

If you're too lazy to print covers, how about at least putting a pdf of the cover and inlays online, and a DVD ISO image so people can burn and print their own? Or at least downloadable mp4 files. That would enable people to get the HD version.

Also, you should send DVDs to the animation festivals all over the world. They will be happy for ANY kind of contribution, and yours is quite monumental compared to what they usually get.
« Last Edit: 11.09.2010, 13:38:42 by Cheetah »



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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #22 on: 11.09.2010, 21:10:34 »

And again, I see I have to improve my PR-skills. Well, I had my concerns (and still have) about that movie.
But the feedback showed that there is at least one sequence that worked out even for most harsh critics: The sequence I found myself to be the only untainted one in the movie, the endingsequence. So I must have done something right after all.

@cheetah_: Okay, regarding this festival issue:
Do you have researched that topic already? Got a list? Futhermore I can remember that you told me about an onlineforum where I should send that movie. URL? =)

Kind regards
« Last Edit: 11.09.2010, 22:13:46 by kyo »


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #23 on: 13.09.2010, 02:05:43 »

The first time I saw a movie which was really uncommon and that's why I started to love it.
At first it was hard to recognize what the story is actually about, but slowly it became clearer and clearer. As my honest opinion I loved its middle, but by the end it was finished as a sad, but somewhat touching piece of artwork.
Normally I don't collect unfinished videos, but THIS was something I wish to get.

As some of us said earlier it would be great to be able ordering it by DVD versions because as Cheetah already said whenever a network dropout just happens will ruin it for a while.

Keep it up and hooray for yet another blender user though I just started learn it this year!


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #24 on: 14.09.2010, 14:03:04 »

Kyo: Okies, Im done working on the subtitles. They are waiting for you in your mail now :) They still need few corrections, more info in the mail itself.
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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #25 on: 14.09.2010, 14:22:01 »

For subtitling, i recommend "subtitle workshop".



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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #26 on: 14.09.2010, 15:47:43 »

Cheetah: Yep :) I used Subtitle Workshop 2.51 (prolly the latest version). I had to learn how to use it though, and after a few trials and errors managed to succeed. 8 hours of work total, 636 subtitle entries, many of them with two lines. Now only the few corrections of the parts Ive not been able to understand clearly (about 10-12 moments), and Kyo can put them up for download with the movie.
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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #27 on: 14.09.2010, 19:19:29 »

Yay, coolness! Yet I got no clue how to do that with DVD_authoring but... it will be fine. Thanks a lot!!

@cheetah: How about adresses of festivals? I am pretty sure you got some kind of a list.

Regarding the blenderissue. I just added fur to a rather early version of the "Athena" character. Here you go:

Kind regards!

PS: Yes she is supposed to "glow". Im not sure about the amount yet, but this is ( at least to a certain degree) a marine creature.


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #28 on: 14.09.2010, 19:34:11 »

@cheetah: How about adresses of festivals? I am pretty sure you got some kind of a list.

How about




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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #29 on: 15.09.2010, 16:11:06 »

Thanks a lot for the movie. It was one of the few rare moments of my con when I didn't run around doing staff things, but could sit down and just enjoy it. It was a picturesque and mood-filled orgy of colours, abstract shapes and living emotionality in a para-animalistic universe characterised by the internal logic and empathic attraction found only in the mythical context of gods. The lack of MTV-like event constipation so often used today to cover up bad acting and poor storylines made it a naked and honest tale in and of suspense portraying the basic dilemmas such as "the one who is closest to me is my most important support yet also the one who can hurt me the most". In the famous words of Janis Joplin - freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose.

You seem to have a veritable cornucopia of people offering voice acting here, I'd like to add myself to that choir - if you need someone to do some more voice acting then feel free to send me a message on here (female native English speaker). And please DO send this outside the fandom, I think a greater future might await this movie if it receives a little more TLC.

Thanks for the very enjoyable experience and good luck with it!  :)
And so I say the things I say
And do the things I do
And if you do not like it, then
To hell, my dear, with you
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