Don't underestimate the power of DVDs ... you'll deeply regret if your only copy is an ephemeral data stream on some commercial video site who will delete your movie on a whim, and that you can ONLY watch online.
From my experience with publishing videos: If people ask for DVDs ... sell them DVDs. It will always be worth the effort. And the effort is really small. Just a couple of minutes per DVD, and if you take pre-orders, you don't even have to spend money. People like to collect and archive what they cherish.And people like to watch stuff in their home theatre without network dropouts, constant re-buffering and other typical online-video annoyances

And even today, people don't go "oh, let's hook up the PC to the livingroom HDTV, I want you to show a video on vimeo". People still go, "I've brought this DVD that you should really watch!"

Even in my circle of friends, and we're all total internet nuts.
If you're too lazy to print covers, how about at least putting a pdf of the cover and inlays online, and a DVD ISO image so people can burn and print their own? Or at least downloadable mp4 files. That would enable people to get the HD version.
Also, you should send DVDs to the animation festivals all over the world. They will be happy for ANY kind of contribution, and yours is quite monumental compared to what they usually get.