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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: first time fursuit???  (Read 75776 times)


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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #15 on: 05.12.2006, 11:19:27 »

iv been telling Heltash repeatedly that it wouldnt be possible to do a wrestling thing at EF, its just impossible to do
You have the F.I.A, me and heltash have the F.W.O (The Furry World Order)

FWO heltash

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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #16 on: 05.12.2006, 11:37:59 »

ok ok calm down, i was only haveing fun whenh i said about wrestling, yes i love wrestling to bits but i know when i cant do it.

i know i cant do a show at EF :'( (there was no harm in me asking)

in terns of prformance ideas, iv got a few i just have to go through them and see whitch one would be best


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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #17 on: 05.12.2006, 12:57:58 »

Okay, can we please drop the wrestling subject now? It's getting annoying. Subsequent wrestling related posting will be removed by moderator. Thanks :)



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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #18 on: 05.12.2006, 14:35:44 »

Okay, can we please drop the wrestling subject now? It's getting annoying. Subsequent wrestling related posting will be removed by moderator. Thanks :)

Thanks. :)

FWO heltash

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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #19 on: 07.12.2006, 11:09:15 »

Okay, can we please drop the wrestling subject now? It's getting annoying. Subsequent wrestling related posting will be removed by moderator. Thanks :)

ok, im very sorry for going on, lets get this post5 back onto what its ment to be about it seen to be going of track a little bit.

one more question a have to ask relating to fursuits, how on earth can you see through tiny holes and still be able to walk without hitting anything????


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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #20 on: 07.12.2006, 12:50:51 »

Its a matter of how close your eyes are to those holes. Closer they are, wider the view. Sometimes your eyes are so close, you can actualy have slightly less or more unobstructed view. My friend Torwen (cougar female) had her suits mask made this way...

Sometimes you can see through the entire eyes as well. Savoy for example has her eyes made of coloured white net-like material. From the outside it seems as homogenous white material, but from the inside she can see quite well (i guess)...
Phantom of LiveJournals and EF forums...


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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #21 on: 07.12.2006, 16:38:43 »

for me i have images of myself bumbling about in fursuit and walking into everything and everyone :'( 
You have the F.I.A, me and heltash have the F.W.O (The Furry World Order)


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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #22 on: 11.12.2006, 20:30:00 »

I’m not sure why and how, but there always seems to be a small number of people under 18 attending. ::)
It indeed seems conflicting, but it’s not my responsibility as general attendee, however I’m convinced their motives for allowing this are genuine.

Okay, I need to clarify ... indeed, until EF12, it has always been possible to attend even if you're under 18 if you're accompanied by at least one of your parents.

However, we're seriously considering no longer offering this option, because even WITH their parents on board, we've had some incidents with minors that were legally dangerous, and given the paranoia level of German "youth protection" laws, the risk of SERIOUS liabilities just isn't worth it any more. At least not for the two or three minors in 400 total attendees.

With serious liability issues, I mean, that even if parents are on site, I (as the chairman) may still be PERSONALLY held liable for whatever might happen if the parents don't look for just one minute.

It's crazy, yes. That's what the "OMGWTF, think of the children, someone might abuse them"-Mentality got us to. I can't help it.

My personal worst-case horror szenario would be: A 14 year old girl slips away from her parents at night, goes to the hotel bar where everyone else is hanging out, someone gets her a drink or two, she gets drunk, they decide to go off "cuddling", and she ends up pregnant. Mom sues us, describing our convention as a place where pornographic artwork ist being sold, and adults running around in animal costumes, and that her daughter has been malicously been lured away and abused while she wasn't looking. The judge concludes gross negliency, and we're all majorly screwed ... including the possibility of the chairman (that's me) going to jail.

You know, being in a situation like this ... and it's not exactly a far-fetched scenario ... you think twice if you really want to allow minors at all, or not.

(Another thing is ... even if they come with their parents, there's always a lot of pain and discussions to go through. Absurd situations like minors producing artwork they're not legally allowed to view themselves ... parents unwilling to accept that even they can not override the law, and we're still forced to exclude their offspring from certain events, even if they personally ask us not to ... )

I hope this makes the motivation behind this move a little more clear :) Even a very small number of minors, and even with their parents around, still cause a lot of fuss, and a certain risk ... that just uses up more of our resources than is appropriate for the microscopic fraction of guests they represent.

Easily solvable by asking for I.D. Not that it bothers me, I'll be 19 in February ^_^


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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #23 on: 11.12.2006, 20:45:16 »

> Easily solvable by asking for I.D.

you can be sure that registration will check I.D. at check-in on-site.
be aware that i personaly will re-check if i think i should do so anytime.
if i catch you with a fake I.D. card you will spend some days in the local jail until your real I.D. is known.
so far noone ever tried.
just a reminder for the ones who may think they can foul us.

stay legal AND have fun at EF!

Cheetah said it all above. End of under-age topic :-)



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Re: The age subject.
« Reply #24 on: 12.12.2006, 17:29:27 »

Ah well, I really just started to think of this when a friend of mine talked about to maybe get to AC next year, and he's the same age as mine (16).

The chance to get to EF was probally very small anyway, the best could be to have someone I know with me who's mosre used on talking english and things.
I got kinda dissapointed when I at first heard about the age limit, but I'm  not so now and I fully understand what you mean, even how fun it may be.
Prehaps someday in the future, and when I earns own money..
(And no, I've never been on a con before..  I have not even met a fur/furry in Real-Life before(well not someone that I know is...) altough I got plenty of contacts and friends online.


« Last Edit: 13.12.2006, 18:34:33 by ForestFox »


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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #25 on: 02.01.2007, 11:49:24 »

Heltash and Knightmare. You know I would ref your fight (In fursuit of course) Then I'll beat you with chairs.

Also, this will hopefully be my first con and i can show off in my Punk Fox fursuit, each day I have come up with new ideas for dressing it up and want to show it off to others.  this is the head now imagine the style of the body, this is going full heavy metal punk rock


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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #26 on: 07.01.2007, 14:13:49 »

one more question a have to ask relating to fursuits, how on earth can you see through tiny holes and still be able to walk without hitting anything????

If you take a look at my avatar pic, you can see the black parts of his pupils. This is dark mesh, which allows me to see out, but not you to see me inside. I actually get fairly decent vision in this, although the bridge of the nose/muzzle means that I cannot see straight ahead. Imagine holding your hands out at arms length, palms facing each other. Put the distance at about 8-10 inches. Anything within that gap, I cannot see. But, you learn to get round this by almost constant head movements, almost what you'd expect from a lively person/animal, which allows me to look sideways at people.

Basically, just keep your wits about you, and if you're not with a group of 'suiters, it's an idea to have someone with you who isn't suited, who can guide you away from any possible problems.

Saying all that, it'll be my first time 'suiting in public, so I'll see how much of my own advice I manage to follow ^.^'
My will is strong, my focus is set, my.....oooohh, shinies!

Kyyanno T. Cheetah, terrorising slow moving things everywhere since 1980 =^|.|^=


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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #27 on: 07.01.2007, 23:29:59 »

one more question a have to ask relating to fursuits, how on earth can you see through tiny holes and still be able to walk without hitting anything????

I have that problem but i have managed to get it to the right level. first time in my fursuit I ended up with three knees o.O


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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #28 on: 01.02.2007, 08:44:26 »

18+!? damn, i cant go this has really made my day! *concust rolling then has idea*
how about you do the age system like they do over at anthrocon, give badges out at the door saying "minor" or "adult" and have some sercurity at the dealer's room door, kind of a good idea, huh!
« Last Edit: 01.02.2007, 08:48:05 by klayman44 »


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Re: first time fursuit???
« Reply #29 on: 01.02.2007, 11:37:38 »

18+!? damn, i cant go this has really made my day! *concust rolling then has idea*
how about you do the age system like they do over at anthrocon, give badges out at the door saying "minor" or "adult" and have some sercurity at the dealer's room door, kind of a good idea, huh!

It was done like that the last years, resulting in problems and possible liability. Just read this very thread and you'll find a post of the chaircheeath explaining the reasons.

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