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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Romans! Bring your Wine! - (Formerly called Winesampling)  (Read 69900 times)


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The panel has now been approved of. If everything goes as planned, it will be an open event so everyone can come.

What we now need is more samples from over the world to increase diversity. If you can afford it, please bring a bottle and come to the event. Any type of wine is welcome :3

Either I am too late or very early :P

Nevertheless during the convention while chatting with friends I got the idea to make a wine tasting panel. If the rumours of next years theme are true, then it might even be fitting.
I live(d) in a wine area and know a winemaker. I could much likely organize an assortment of wine from him for a reasonable price (which would only be a problem for me anyway ^^)
Then people could have a taste through different kinds of types of wine.

But there are some issues with this of course:

1) I don't drink alcohol. I can't judge the quality and details of any alcoholoc beverage. - I asked Uncle Kage if he might be willing to be there and be entertaining as always and he said yes, but he only knows white wine. So there would be still someone needed that knows stuff about red wine.
2) The hotel might have a problem with large quantities of wine being drunken that are not from them (we could put some from the hotel Maritim there as well).
3) Transportation - I usually come via train from Austria. So carrying 30-40 kg of wine would be pretty much impossible for me.
4) Kage also mentioned this might have to be a Super Sponsor Event to limit the amount of people that visit.

Feedback and ideas on this would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Edit: Here is a link to the last post referring to the help title:,3284.msg37023.html#msg37023
« Last Edit: 08.08.2012, 09:17:49 by SenGrisane »

Jake R

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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #1 on: 25.08.2011, 11:54:40 »

I very much approve of panel ideas this early! There is little use in waiting until 2 months before the convention, and then trying to get it all organised in the last few weeks.

You are right - if the rumours are true, it would be fitting indeed. Even if it wasn't, I still kinda like the idea as it is something different from the usual and thus gives visitors more choice. And I bet we could get Kage to drag a load of people there so he can finally show just how experienced he is with white wine =P

What I like most about this post is the list of possible issues: you seem to be thinking ahead and even contacted Kage already. I am not in a position to give you answers or solutions to your points, but those who are in such a position have almost a year to get these answers ready because you are so early and did some thinking already. I very much approve!

In all, I like the idea, the thinking done so far and the timing of posting this. I'd even like it if others followed your example. =)
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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #2 on: 25.08.2011, 13:42:59 »

Hi there!

We had a "Sake appreciation" pannel running on EF16 and it worked fine.

1) I don't drink alcohol. I can't judge the quality and details of any alcoholoc beverage. - I asked Uncle Kage if he might be willing to be there and be entertaining as always and he said yes, but he only knows white wine. So there would be still someone needed that knows stuff about red wine.

Uncle Kage is always a good choise but having more experts running the panel is something I recommend.  You can point out the differences and tell something about the wines country of origin.

2) The hotel might have a problem with large quantities of wine being drunken that are not from them (we could put some from the hotel Maritim there as well).

As long its a wine tasting and not a how-to-get -drunk-on-wine penal it's fine :)

3) Transportation - I usually come via train from Austria. So carrying 30-40 kg of wine would be pretty much impossible for me.

You can have your assortment of wine shipped to my palce and I take it along with other stuff from the storage.

4) Kage also mentioned this might have to be a Super Sponsor Event to limit the amount of people that visit.

The "Sake appreciation" was and from what I observed it worked out well (the more people in the room the more complicated such a tasting gets)
Yours sincerely,


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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #3 on: 25.08.2011, 15:44:02 »

Thank you for your feedback. Seems like it could work out. ^^

Well I will discuss with the winemaker and see how much he could give and how much it would cost. I will be back when I have heard from him (might take a bit).


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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #4 on: 02.11.2011, 13:29:54 »

I have asked about the wine and it is within my acceptable price range.

It will be about 30 bottles (1 liter ones if I am not mistaken) of red and white wine. The winemaker will also give me some information about the wine in question (which will much likely be in German... unless he has special english ones for "further away" customers.

I will (if my brother allows) also bring 1-2 bottles of our home made vine (technically not vine since its not made from grapes but from some sort of small plum growing in our garden). Our yearly production is only 20-30 bottles which we give to friends as gifts, so I can't bring more.

We could add some vine bottles from the hotel itself to compare. I don't know how many people would come to something like that. But I doubt it would be possible to get drunk.


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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #5 on: 29.12.2011, 15:01:50 »

Dunno much about vine brewing, but I'd be happy to bring a bottle or three of nordic mead, since I am a viking after all.  Anyhow I have some ideas :

Toga party
I assume someone will put this up. Cock-tails and togas. The rest will just happen by itself I assume.

Live bands
As stated earlier, why not hire bands from withinn the fandom?

Roman spa
The more femminine variety of the fandom will really appresciate this I think. Doesn't need to be anything more fancy than a makeshift masage parlor.

General artist panel
A panel where we can meet artists discuss different trends and styles and ask questions.

The fandom past future and present
Being in the fandom for 15 years I for one would love to do a short recap of how the fandom has evolved and is continueing to evolve, for better and for worse.

Grand feast
A grand roman style barbecue.

Fursuit olympics. Like last years fursuit game show, only more sporty.

I trust the Pawpet show will come up with somrhing equally as stunning as last year. Or how about a fursuit theater like the one we had a few years back.

Movie screening
I'm sure there is some movie we could watch, if not what about showing Bitter Lake again? It does sort of fit in with the theme.

Ancient anhros
A panel about ancient anthropomorphic gods and legends. There are a lot of ancient anthropomorphic artifacts that relate to the fandom in one way or another, wich may be of interest.

Philisophic weivs in the fandom
A panel on how the fandom has evolved from a geeky subculture to the most accepting and diverse fandom. And what philisophies like altruism effect the current attitudes of the fandom. One might draw from the furry survey.

Story hour
Why not tell a story, some furryfied greek myths? I assume the babyfurs will love this. And while they are lulled off to sleep the rest of us can resume drinking after an entertaining story.

Babyfur event
Perhaps not fitting with the theme though, While not a babyfur myself, I find their weiv of the world facinating. I know some of you may be opposed to brining this group forth, but as this group has never really been shed much light on, I for one would love to know more about them.

Crocuis art event
Art class. Drawing after a live fursuiter.

The oracle of Delfi
Why not have a clearvoiant or tarot, paw reader do peoples fortunes. Oh did I mention I do tarot, paw readings and animal divination cards?
« Last Edit: 29.12.2011, 15:05:59 by Ziggy_wolf »
I had nothing to do with either the three little pigs or little red riding hood. Honestly I`m a nice guy, who just happens to love pork, and hooded women. It was all a misunderstanding, I swear!


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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #6 on: 03.01.2012, 21:43:52 »

In case of a wine-taste panel, i think I could bring some nice wine with me for it.


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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #7 on: 07.01.2012, 17:44:52 »

What about the fursuit games or similar venue it could be arrange and align in way of Colosseum - Gladiators settings  

Also for the wine tasting I would try make some arrangement to dispatch some wines from Sloavakia also should mention it to Hungarian furries, Areas of Danube and more east on slopes are very hight quality vineyard.

If arrangement for the panel is made I will try figure out to fill the gaps of specific types of vines to expand varieties. 
« Last Edit: 07.01.2012, 17:48:26 by White_Dragon »
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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #8 on: 08.01.2012, 04:22:01 »

The oracle of Delfi
Why not have a clearvoiant or tarot, paw reader do peoples fortunes. Oh did I mention I do tarot, paw readings and animal divination cards?

One problem there. The Oracle of Delphi is Greek Mythology, not Roman.
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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #9 on: 08.01.2012, 12:04:35 »

One problem there. The Oracle of Delphi is Greek Mythology, not Roman.

The Oracle of Dolphin. Problem solved, you're welcome!

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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #10 on: 08.01.2012, 19:37:11 »

The Oracle of Dolphin. Problem solved, you're welcome!




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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #11 on: 09.01.2012, 02:15:19 »

Well I certainly would appreciate it if I wasn't doing this alone. If others would like to bring vine as well that would give us a great variatey :3

Love the Dolphin pun btw. :D


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Re: Idea for a panel for next year
« Reply #12 on: 09.01.2012, 18:25:48 »

Well I certainly would appreciate it if I wasn't doing this alone. If others would like to bring vine as well that would give us a great variatey :3

Love the Dolphin pun btw. :D

I'm very interested, and I wouldn't mind bringing some bottles too.


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Re: Idea for a panel for next year - Vine sampling
« Reply #13 on: 10.01.2012, 01:26:28 »

When I read "vine sampling", I imagined something like this :)




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Re: Idea for a panel for next year - Vine sampling
« Reply #14 on: 10.01.2012, 10:34:36 »

When I read "vine sampling", I imagined something like this :)

Hahahaha I'm so glad it wasn't just me. I thought "well that sounds rather chewy, but then people cook and eat anything these days".
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