Kiki, that's the responsibility you have when you step in front of a camera. Whatever you say, every word, every line, will be what 1000000 viewers will forever associate with furry fandom - because it's the first thing they ever heard about it

You're lucky you got away that well. One slip of your tongue, one slight manipulation by the editors, and your "most memorable line on TV" could have been a desaster, too.
You are very lucky that "kiki" quote came last. People will always remember the last thing said in an enumeration, and forget the first. Otherwise, your most well-known line would be "Ich bin Rudolf das Rentier mit der roten Nase" - and that would come across a LOT less favourable than the starfox reference

Or, they could have made you say, "Ich gehe jeden Tag im Kostüm zur Apotheke um mir meine Tabletten abzuholen" - be glad they didnt