Back from the bank, I am most happy to announce the final amount of money that
we all together collected at Eurofurence 19 for our loving Charity "
Wildtierhilfe Fiel e.V.".

With your amazing generosity and support, we were able to collect the incredible and new EF record amount of:
I cannot put in words how thankful I am to every single one of you for your incredible support!

As Pinky said on stage, you all make me proud to be a furry! We did a really amazing thing here,
and you can all be proud of yourself! I think Rosi's tears at the preliminary announcement on
Saturday evening on stage said more than a thousand words.

Our deepest thanks from the whole charity team - especially to our dedicated charity fursuiters who
never got tired to collect more money until Monday morning, to Henrieke for the lovely artwork, to Uncle Kage
who rocked the bar on Friday night for charity, Mystifur who organized the fursuiter charity flash mob, the
fursuiters and staff at the fursuit game show, everyone who was so kind to donate money in coins or even
amazing 100€ notes, to Fox Amoore and Dreamsong for the Charity Concert and work, everyone who bought
tickets for the Charity Concert, the raccoon photo ops and lottery tickets, to all who donated artwork for the
Lottery Booth and Charity Auction, to all artists who donated a percentage of their art show sales, the
Otter Noses for being tasty, the video team for the charity intro video during opening ceremonies and to all staff
(art show, technics, con ops...) and volunteers and all I forgot here now for your neverending work in so many
places I can't list them all! <3 THANK YOU ALL!
Have some statistics:
(with all the many donations from various events and locations being dropped off, unfortunately I can't recall
every single amount for each event, these are just some examples)
- We collected 15.249€ in notes
- We collected 4058€ in coins
- All coins had a total weight of over 41kg (oy!)
- The City Caree flash mob brought 500€
- Kage's karaokee evening brought 1587€
- The Charity fursuiters collected over 3000€
- The Charity Auction brought 3685€ (without art show percentages)
- The fursuit game show brought 882€
- The Lottery Booth sold almost all tickets
Special hugs and thanks again to our wonderful charity team Pinky, Itchigo, Snowi and Pan, who worked
really hard during the con and before! You guys are amazing and I am proud to be in this team! *hugs*
Here's a video of the preliminary charity amount announcement from Saturday evening:
I will still post reactions from our Charity, I will pass on the happy news to them today and we will
sure visit them again.

PS: Don't wonder about not having seen this photo / situation at EF, we're still going to make a proper
new photo for press etc. but just for now I took one photo from last year. :3