My Feedback
Structure: I think people just need to get used to the new structure. Compared to the Maritim, being the hotel bigger, is quite more dispersive as well. It was difficult to find people, and I didn't like much was the distance between the center of the con from the dealer's den and the artshow. Unfortunately, I understand this was the only way to do it, since there was no other space available.
Drinks and food: That's the painful point. While I've really appreciated the included breakfast, which was really aboundant, I can0t unfortunately tell the same about the restaurants for the evening. Food was extremely expensive and wasn't worth the quality. Same applied to the drinks. (the Spooge special from last years really sucked there, since they used to prepare a big bottle of it before and then pour everything in your glass). Though, there are different solutions, which includes the "do not drink" and the "purchase it somewhere else")
Surroundings: It was really scary to walk around the place during evening/night.
Fursuit lounge: Flawless. Thanks a lot, Mistyfur and FL team!
Security: Flawless, thanks a lot!
Regarding security and Fursuit lounge, there's a small problem I've noticed. There were people carrying inside the lounge cameras and videocameras, especially gopros, and taking videos inside the lounge as well. I know it's not easy to notice that and check on everybody, but i'd like to let you know this happened.
Panel/event organization: Very good!
Fursuit gameshow: Awesome!
Pawpet show: pass. Nice story, very, very good puppets. too bad the dragon was used only during the initial scene. And thanks for finding a way to entertain us during the queue. (even if I was so far away i couldn't watch it.
Hotel: 6/10
Organization 8.5/10