So, last weekend I visited Fiel to look at the damage and talk to the people there and take a few photos. It was also cleanup day for them, fortunately sunny, so there were quite a few helpers present to remove the rubble.
Don't wanna take too much of your time, so here's the current state in a nutshell.
1. The cause of the damage was apparently a small tornado (also known in Northern Germany as Windhose*). Although no one was outside to observe it due to the weather, the pattern of destruction suggests it. A simple storm would not have damaged the enclosures that much, which are sturdy enough for all the usual storms.
2. Helpers have cleaned up the place, but much of the building material has been rendered unusable, being recycled as firewood. The space where the enclosures used to be is now pretty empty.
3. Ground conditions prevent an immediate rebuild (also, they need material first). Due to the winter, it's all soggy ground and flooded area, where you can't create proper foundations (which are necessary due to the local climate). Weather is annoyingly between freezing and thawing these days.
4. Other than the foxes, the lost parakeets have not returned. A few have been seen in the neighbor village, but apparently they are not territorial enough to come back.**
The Fußbahns would like to express their heartfelt thanks for all the material and moral support that has already been given. They will continue their life's work, but the reconstruction of the station will still take a lot of time and effort.
* Wind trousers. Yes, that's a word.
** Actually similarly escaped parakeets are known to have established colonies in Germany, albeit farther south. I don't know if they still survive.