(Edit: This took a long time to write, so while I typed this, about 10 other replies have been posted. That means, this reply is completely ignorant of them. Please keep that in mind when reading.)
Thank your for both your original statement and this reply. It clarifies most of the questions I had after seeing my Twitter timeline explode with "ZOMG fursecution!" posts. It's pretty clear that this whole blow up is really not much more than a good old-fashioned Internet flame war. It reminds me of the shitstorms they had constantly on alt.fan.furry on Usenet. And it really turns out to be blown out of all proportion. I know some German, though I'm far from fluent. I think "Massenverblödungswaffen" describes Twitter all too well. (I LOVE that particular word!) I'm glad I held off from the Twitter lynch mob that unfortunately formed over this issue. I swear social media is more and more becoming a channel for organizing angry mobs.
For the record, I'm a babyfur. I often host cub room parties with my friends at Rainfurrest, Further Confusion, and sometimes other cons. We're generally pretty harmless, which I'm sure you already know. We don't bite.. We just nip at your heels.
I empathize with Eurofurence's staff. What I have read between the lines here (and of course I may be mistaken) is that you all have to deal with a rather high strung hotel, and end up walking a fine line to keep the management happy with or at least tolerant of furries so you don't lose the venue next year. I also can see where the hotel is coming from. They have to turn a profit the other 51 weeks when EF is not there, and if they have a certain "upscale" business-friendly image they are trying to portray, they might not want word getting out that their hotel is not a good place to do business because they have people wandering around freaking out customers and partners by their appearance. Doesn't matter whether such a view is fair or not. Life's unfair, and people are simply that way, and the hotel needs to keep potential customers happy. No hotel, no EF. Enough said.
I also appreciate that convention staff work really hard to make thing happen, for no payment, so everyone else can have a good time. It really can be a thankless job, and want to say "Danke Schön!" Seriously, thank you.
Ok, brown-nosing, aside, here's what I understand to be the case, using myself as an example:
No one is going to kick me out of the con or give me trouble if I go in the public areas in something like, say, a BunnyWarez fox kigu, or really any animal/furry themed kigu within reason. Maybe I'm mistaken, but to me it seems those types of "pajamas" are really more like an open-face fursuit than PJ's. And they're really cool to wear around con-space, babyfur or not.
IMO they fit nicely with the concept of a furry con in general. Context: The reason I ask this is I saw in an LJ post that one fur mentioned that a statement had been made to the effect that pajamas were banned and then interpolated that such a ban must extend to kigus. Just asking to clarify since I rather doubt that to be the case.
On the subject of pajamas, one clarification in language is in order. The term "onesie" has a different meaning in the U.S. and the U.K., from what I've been able to gather. What I've seen described as a onesie on this forum is what we in the U.S. call a "footed sleeper" or a "sleeper" if no feet. In the U.S., a "onesie" refers to an article of infant clothing like a T-shirt with snaps on that go around the crotch to cover up a diaper. Just figured it was worth noting.
I assume from what I've read that the wearing of a sleeper or onsie (U.S. or U.K. meaning) that is excessively "babyish" is discouraged in public. I have no issue personally either way, and here's a little secret: A lot of us babyfurs also frown on that in public as well. Most of us really don't want to weird out other hotel guests as it can cast our community in a bad light as well. Then again, there are others that don't care about that.
I'm guessing I wouldn't be bothered about wearing your typical "Marci" babyfur badge, even if it showed a clean diaper. An example of the character type would be Lil' Sneezer from Tiny Toons. On the other hand, there are certain earth tone colors, which when applied to certain areas of a babyfur badge, immediately transform it from "cute" to "gross". I think you get the picture.
Like I said, I'd be surprised to be bothered over 95% of "Marci" type badges, diaper or not. But maybe I'm mistaken.
That's my main questions. I will say this. Some babyfurs are saying they'll boycott EF.. All the best to them, but they don't speak for all of us any more that I do. I won't be going to EF this year, unfortunately, since it's a LONG trip from New Mexico, and I'm all out of vacation. It's on my bucket list, though, one of these years, if I can get the time off to do it.
Now let's see if I get lynched. Wonder what the babyfur word is for "Uncle Tom".
P.S. Sven, your name is familiar to me. Don't know if you remember me but IIRC we were one or two mailing lists together way back in the 90s. It's been a LONG time, though.