Hi Cheetah, thanks for addressing some of the concerns! Tanks doco too!
Out of 400 attendees at EF12, only 250 attended the meals at all. The rest not only paid for a meal they didn't want, they obviously spent extra money to eat elsewhere. So, when deciding which part of the increased cost to offload from the con fee, food was the obvious choice.
I never realised that. I presumed that with the odd exception when someone misses a meal, or decides to go out for a meal elsewhere as a one-off, everyone attended the meals. I understand that decision now then.
Oh, come on. There will be 400-500 furries around. People will go shopping in groups, and people will also most likely be going out for dinner in groups. There's always someone with a car you can go with. And unlike Nuremberg, you CAN park you car right outside the front door.
Point taken. Will there be some way of organising things like this? At EF12 there was the flipchart in the reception that was used for delivering important messages (such as which radio channels not to use) - can there be some sort of a system where people that have cars that want to drive down can be contacted by those without? The reason I say this is because as I am sure you've noticed, there seem to be subgroups within the main furry group. Not everyone may know someone with a car there (especially those who travel from further afield). The problem I see with using this though is that the hotel may not be too keen to have something like a flipchart viewable that would take custom "away" from their main restaurant and the buffet too.
You're wildly exaggerating. In town, you can get a kebap for 3€, and some buns and a cup of coffee for about 4€. Or a Big Mac Menu at McDonalds for €4.50. Calm down 
I am quite calm really, I just don't fancy kebabs or McD meals for every meal there

Can't be good for the waistline!

Oh and by the way, the rooms actually do have a little fridge. (It usually serves as a minibar, but they won't be stocked for Eurofurence, so it's free for you to use and store cold food.)
Ah good! This is good news! Remove the temptation for people to spend €1000 per 10ml bottle of alcohol

And it gives us a place to store food. Nothing worse than cheese that has started to sweat in the heat! And cool drinks too!
And by the way, the restaurant also serves snacks for less than the buffet price.
Aha! A useful little tip, thanks! I presumed that the buffet would be cheaper than the restaurant a la carte meals (as I presume it's at a discounted rate for EF for the buffet). Of course it'd be snack food, but that's all that might be needed
Sorry if I seem very budget conscious - I'm merely trying to work out how much money I need to save, and how much I'll need to keep to one side and not to end up going hungry simply to buy art from the art show

Oh, and speaking from past experiences - at morning buffets in hotels, I eat about three meals' worth to last the whole day! Heh