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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
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Author Topic: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits  (Read 49751 times)


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #15 on: 14.08.2010, 13:38:32 »

I'm still sceptical about the whole "people with enough stamina or money do get better seats" thing and I just know that I'll end up behind a 2m tall brick and won't see a thing - again ;)
I was husky before it got trendy


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #16 on: 14.08.2010, 13:43:25 »

I'm still sceptical about the whole "people with enough stamina or money do get better seats" thing and I just know that I'll end up behind a 2m tall brick and won't see a thing - again ;)

Yeah, and the guy who pays extra will even get a larger PIZZA than you. And the other guy who paid more will also get a bigger CAR. And the furry sitting next to you might have paid THREE times as much as you for his hotel room, and got a suite.
« Last Edit: 14.08.2010, 15:50:52 by Cheetah »



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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #17 on: 14.08.2010, 14:07:50 »

Sure. All true. But it does strengthen the point how "commercial" "everything" has become. And though we all know that we do have a kind of money-based class society, that's not the thing people want to see when they are just wanting to have a great party. Which is what EF has always been known for - back in the time when everyone including Chairman of Anthrocon claimed EF to be the greatest party of them all.

So, frankly, your first point noting that Sponsors just "makes all of this possible, including the lower prices for non-sponsors" was way better, imho, than bashing at our guests that they should fucking cope with capitalism :-/

I decided to upgrade to Sponsor a few hours ago. For this single reason of supporting EF. I'm glad I did this before reading your post.


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #18 on: 14.08.2010, 14:51:22 »

I'm still sceptical about the whole "people with enough stamina or money do get better seats" thing and I just know that I'll end up behind a 2m tall brick and won't see a thing - again ;)

Yeah, and the guy who pays extra will even get a larger PIZZA than you. And the other guy who paid more will also get a bigger CAR. And the furry sitting next to you might have paid THREE times as much as you for his hotel room, and got a fucking suite.

Quoting the immortal William Shatner: "GET A FUCKING LIFE!" :)
I'm just annoyed that I always have to sit behind the tallest guys and now there will be even more tall people in front of me because they can afford it. I can't afford it because I don't have a job. Why don't I have a job? Because my education comes first. Studying and having a job at the same time doesn't work, not with the fucked up system and chaos around here so please don't diss me for not having much money. Sorry but that topic is a little bit touchy for me.
I was husky before it got trendy


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #19 on: 14.08.2010, 15:07:04 »

I'm just annoyed that I always have to sit behind the tallest guys and now there will be even more tall people in front of me because they can afford it.

Don't worry. Our agents have worked hard to recruit the smallest super-sponsors on the planet. They're all japanese :)

But, seriously. It doesn't matter if you're a supersponsor or not ... there may or may be tall people sitting in front of you. That's why the stage is raised by 1 meter (pawpet stage 2,80m) above the floor, and why we have two 4,50 meter projection screens left and right at 5 meter above the ground. Stop worrying - everything will be fine. I promise.
« Last Edit: 14.08.2010, 16:26:03 by Cheetah »


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #20 on: 14.08.2010, 15:11:42 »

nifelan: Maybe it won't solve your problem completely ... but how about you put a pillow or two on your seat and sit on top of them? (This is just a suggestion, though ... but I know how annoying it can be to be too small to see anything.)


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #21 on: 14.08.2010, 15:21:02 »

Sure. All true. But it does strengthen the point how "commercial" "everything" has become.

I can't repeat this often enough: A sponsor does NOT pay for his own privilieges. The privileges are just a little reward, nothing more. The majority of a sponsor's money pays for EVERYONE ELSES BENEFITS.

The con itself is, and will always be, 100% non-profit. But I can't help it, a convention generates costs, and someone has to pay for them or the party is not going to happen.

And if a sponsor pays it for you ... isn't that great?




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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #22 on: 14.08.2010, 15:50:56 »

Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for all the guys that support the con with their wallets and I would do too if my financial situation would be better now. Not because I want to be first in line (heck I usually show up way late anyway) but because I want to support the con.

There's this bitter taste that automatically comes with such sponsor rewards which really gives you the impression that the con is partitioned into the have and have-nots. Of course we all get the same thing in the end, the sponsors only get it sooner - which possibly causes some discomfort for us regulars. After all, we get raised in that way, that being first is somewhat important.
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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #23 on: 14.08.2010, 16:08:53 »

The only problem with the pawpet show is that there aren't dvds yet *glares at cheetah*


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #24 on: 14.08.2010, 16:32:43 »

We were planning to have an EF15 higlights DVD and an EF11 Pawpetshow DVD ("Songs of the old Ages") out for EF16. But our private lifes exploded in our faces, and we didn't get it finished. I promise to release at least the PPS dvd this year, and move on to producing the EF13 ("Unlucky Thirteen") PPS dvd. If we can get BBF motivated to go on with the EF15 dvd once he has 30 hours of EF16-Footage on tape remains to be seen, though :)



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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #25 on: 14.08.2010, 18:07:58 »

I decided to upgrade to Sponsor a few hours ago. For this single reason of supporting EF. I'm glad I did this before reading your post.

Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for all the guys that support the con with their wallets and I would do too if my financial situation would be better now. Not because I want to be first in line (heck I usually show up way late anyway) but because I want to support the con.

Exactly my point. People should help because they can and want to, not because they get something in return. If they do it for something in return, then it's not helping, that's just business and nothing else.

Now, I do understand that running a con requires a lot of money and that organizers need to gather those money somehow. I am also fine with some special "thank you" gifts like towels or t-shirts or mugs. What really bugs me, though, is that you decided to include in the sponsor benefits something that's public, like Dealer's Den access. Everyone should be equal in this regard and by letting sponsors in earlier, you clearly state that they are better then everyone else because they are richer. And that's not fair.

It's done this year already and I don't suppose it can be changed, nor do I expect it. But please, keep this in mind when thinking of sponsor benefits for the next year. Public things should remain public, undivided on the part for richer and poorer.


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #26 on: 14.08.2010, 19:03:09 »

I am also fine with some special "thank you" gifts like towels or t-shirts or mugs. What really bugs me, though, is that you decided to include in the sponsor benefits something that's public, like Dealer's Den access. Everyone should be equal in this regard and by letting sponsors in earlier, you clearly state that they are better then everyone else because they are richer. And that's not fair.

The problem with too many physical gifts is that they cost money to make, and so mean less of the sponsor fee is going towards lowering everyone else's costs. Letting people in early to the Dealer's Den doesn't cost EF any extra (and it probably makes it easier on the dealers to have the crowd come in gradually instead of everyone at once! :P).

In the end, though. Making a con happen requires time & money. Some of us volunteer with our time because we don't have the money, and some of us help with our money because we don't have the time, and there are perks for both.


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #27 on: 15.08.2010, 22:39:47 »

Its nice to see what people will get for their options, I'm still glad to have super sponsored for my first ever con.

Though, a Towel?, really?, I had to laugh, well at least we'll know where our towels are!


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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #28 on: 16.08.2010, 02:39:51 »

Though, a Towel?, really?, I had to laugh, well at least we'll know where our towels are!

Maybe they're also planning on giving super-sponsors reserved lounge chairs by the pool? :>

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Re: Sponsor & Super Sponsor Benefits
« Reply #29 on: 16.08.2010, 09:07:26 »

Though, a Towel?, really?, I had to laugh, well at least we'll know where our towels are!

It surely beats stealing hotel towels for souvenirs :)

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