Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Honest Opinion of EF 16

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BBF: Tell your alter egos to stop stealing people's camera's then ^.^


--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 14.09.2010, 21:23:04 ---EF 16 SUCKED!!

I brought four suits to EF, spent more time suiting than at any EF before.... NO PHOTOS!

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I know that Kougo has a nice photo of Bent-tail and Yotie, at least!!
Just wondering... did you wear the fox? I never even saw it IRL!


--- Quote from: Henrieke on 14.09.2010, 21:40:28 ---
--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 14.09.2010, 21:23:04 ---EF 16 SUCKED!!

I brought four suits to EF, spent more time suiting than at any EF before.... NO PHOTOS!

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I know that Kougo has a nice photo of Bent-tail and Yotie, at least!!
Just wondering... did you wear the fox? I never even saw it IRL!

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The fox was too stinky and big-headed. He didn't get out. :)


--- Quote from: Tioh on 14.09.2010, 19:36:33 ---Fursuit theater was very nice

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It was awesome!

Really I liked the driers a lot
Just small tweaks maybe to get even airflow out of all the holes (baffles) but that could drive a person crazy figuring out baffle size in the pipe flow.  Staff are crazy enough so what you have is good enough.

I think something like this could only be at EF sadly, Anthrocon has unions so the union would have to do that set up even if it was fan built.  And other cons well, not really needed to have so many.

--- Quote from: Tioh on 14.09.2010, 19:36:33 ---I think moving Eurofurence to Magdeburg was the right decision. There were lots of things that would not have been possible otherwise. Just look at the space the fursuit-lounge, artshow and dealers den got.

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