Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Honest Opinion of EF 16

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--- Quote from: Henrieke on 14.09.2010, 13:37:54 ---Ohhh how could I forget, the roomkeys! Roomkeys AND badges! PERFECT!!! Why don't other cons use this system as well?? Next year I want toony art on the badges though! ;D

--- End quote ---

The problem is that for some conventions the registration queue can get VERY long.  If you have arrived at the lobby tired, sweaty and with a large amount of luggage the last thing you want to do is find where to register (which can be some distance away) and queue for ages.

right, there were some queues, sorry for that.
we did underestimate the new situation that you have to come to us first to get to your room.
However, system for the next year will be the same i guess, but we will work at manpower and processes to shorten the registraiton process so that the queues wont be long next year hopefully.


--- Quote from: Loewi on 15.09.2010, 20:45:04 ---right, there were some queues, sorry for that.
we did underestimate the new situation that you have to come to us first to get to your room.
However, system for the next year will be the same i guess, but we will work at manpower and processes to shorten the registraiton process so that the queues wont be long next year hopefully.

--- End quote ---

There was only a very short queue when I registered so I didn't have any problem with EF, just that some other conventions I have been to have have very long queues (I usually wait until the morning of the second day to register) so it wouldn't work well at those.

I didn't have any problems either.
All the early-arrivals registred a day before. That already made the queue on the first day much shorter.
I don't think this needs much improvement a.t.m. . It is already much better then the early years.
(Anyone remember queuing in Nuremberg?)

Thanks for the reply.
But indeed there were some queues this year which I didnt want to get that long. call me a perfectionist if you want. ;)
But overall this still was the first year in the new venue with a new system and we already know what to do next year.


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