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Honest Opinion of EF 16

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Shay (Wolly):
It’s been a while now… but I still feel like it was one hell of a con!
I’ll try to explain, keep it short and stick to what I’ve seen myself.

The Hotel
The Maritim in Magdeburg, situated near the main train station, I found to be roomy, clean and completely insecure in dealing with so many people that do so many (in the eyes of the staff) weird things. That takes some getting used to… and although I saw and heard some very unfriendly hotel-staffers, the majority of them were kind, intrigued and helpful.

The Rooms
The rooms in the hotel were spacious, clean and well kept. Enough space to put your clothing, junk and fursuit and it came with a mini-bar. It is a shame that the fridge was just a tad too small to stock it with your own drinks, but it’s one of those things that doesn’t really matter if you don’t spend all day in your room anyway.

Getting Around
To be honest I am not a big fan of Elevators. I don't have a phobia against them, I just don't like confined spaces much. The fact that I could use the stairs to go up, but not get through the door on the designated floor, kinda made me a sad pup, seeing that meant it was forced to use the flying coffins! Using those at peak times was a serious effort and with people being total retards at times with opening the door every time it was closing... didn't make it better. Its a point not much can be done against though, it comes down to common sense and with so many individuals, that might be too much to ask at times.

Housekeeping was… weird! Day one they cleaned the entire room and as the con progressed they did less and less. Now, my room was full of stuff for the Fursuit Theater, but they didn’t empty the trash bin for at least two days, even when I put it smack in the middle of the room.  I guess they came in to make the beds and refresh the towels and then scooted out!

The average price of a beverage or a snack was a bit on the high side, but seeing the Maritim is a 4 star hotel that caters not only to us congoers but to other hotel guests too, that isn’t that big of a surprise. I found that people complain about the pricing and while their arguments are true that it was a tad on the high side, there were enough options open to everyone to avoid those prices. I mean, no one forced us to eat at the restaurant… and thus I didn’t!

The surrounding area
One very appealing thing about the Maritim is the fact that it is literally surrounded by all sorts of restaurants, bars and stores! That makes it ideal to head out of the hotel once in a while and get some really good food or a well deserved drink after a day of partying or in my case socializing and fretting over a stage show. I found the little shopping center right in front of the hotel to be packed with stores that tickled my fancy, so to speak. The food was nicely priced and well prepared and you got more than your tummy full! The supermarket was also great as it allowed me to get some stuff they only sell in Germany, like awesome chocolate and… awesome chocolate! The little baker there served some very yummy breakfast as did the healthy fruit and yoghurt vendor!

Not overly far from the hotel was a sushi place we visited called Sushi Moon, that was ill prepared for the ransacking, loud and stampeding crowd that a furry gathering can produce. This made the staff rather rude and wished us to please take a hike, but given it was their first interaction with this horde of frenzied hungry furries, it is my belief that they didn’t really do such a bad job in the end. You try making all you can eat sushi for people that eat more on one night than they sell on an average week! The quality was very good for a town that has no real provisions for daily fresh fish… so kudos for that.

The Palazzo next to the hotel was very nice too. Although we had to wait quite a while for our Pizza, the quality was superb and the waiter was kind, helpful and even funny at times. The 10% discount was a nice touch, which I don’t know if the owner added himself or was actually talked about beforehand, but it made you feel less like a tourist and in some ways … it made you feel more like one!

Out of the hotel, to the right and crossing one street, we found the Ortega Steak house… I mean… wow! That food was really yummy and to top it off, really affordable! A full meal, mixed grill, side-dishes, sauce and drinks for 15 Euros… and the quality was awesome! The staff was friendly and helpful although that might have been because one of the waitresses rather fancied one of our party… dunno!

This was my first year as EF staff, being the director of a stage event on Friday afternoon. It allowed me to witness firsthand how things are run behind the scenes. I could have only guessed before, but now I was pushed right smack into it and what I saw, awed me! This is in no means to suck up to anyone, but the sheer dedication that these people put into what they do to make their audience and visitors have an awesome time is just mind-blowing! I found that there were staffers up for two days in a row to make sure light got where it needed to go, that stage-staffers were building trusses and making things safe and that there were more than one staff members with double booked responsibility and that they actually managed to perform both tasks to the fullest of their devotion and care!

Yes… there were delays, but if you could have seen what I saw, the delays were peanuts to the delay there would have been if these people wouldn’t have given their all! I mean, they could have just said… not my problem… but everyone pitched in and took hold of any or all tasks that were left out for others to do. The EF staff is a team and what a team at that! I tip my hat to them and even though mistakes were made and tension might have risen once in a while, they got the job done.

I noticed in the con-book that there was going to be a Bannerbrawl on Thursday and I just had to check it out for myself as the title kinda made it interesting. For a first time event, it was really entertaining and amusing. Two teams of artists that went head to head to create the most absurd pieces of art on two separate canvases… it was a pleasure to see! The hosts were at times funny at times… not so much so… but you can’t be funny 24 hours a day I guess or I might have missed some of the puns…  I sure as hell hope that they will do something like this, or the exact same thing for all I care, next year! I will most definitely watch it if they do!

The skit show Stagefever has always been close to me as I like to perform myself and this year I made sure I didn’t miss it! I started watching it at the stage at first, but when some things came up, I watched the middle on my room. The show was entertaining at times, with the host tying all the separate sketches together and doing a good job at that, but there were some sketches that made me facepalm or check with the person in the room with me, if it was just me that missed the whole meaning of the skit. It took me a while to realize though, that this is exactly the heart of Stagefever and that even though I might not have rejoiced at every skit, there will have been people that did. And that people were given a few minutes of stagetime to do what they thought would be cool to do and thus they did! For every one that complained about it and didn’t perform themselves, I just have to say… Put your money where your mouth is… and step on stage next year with a skit that you think would work! I give my kudos to the team for making it through, cause it was a good thing to see!

The last few years I have tried to watch the Pawpetshow, with EF13 being the first and the latter once I failed at seeing because of unfortunate events (such as tearing my hamstring and such). This year I managed to find a spot in the back and watch Cheetah at work, looking up at the stage to see what went on as well. The whole show was once epic undertaking, not just storywise or puppeteerwise, but also because of all the people that put so much hard work into it… working day and night even on condays to create props, puppets and setpieces. In the end the whole show was a roaring success and why not! It had everything that would make a good story even better. I can only find two downsides really… and that is hearing my own voice in the intermissions (I might do voice acting, but hearing my own voice makes me cringe)… and the overall length of the show. Three hours is a long time and even though there are two or three ten minute breaks, the chair I was sitting on at one time felt like it was becoming one with my ass! But nonetheless… an epic undertaking and a great show of craftsmanship and teamwork!

This was the first year for me that I didn’t attend any of the dances. I didn’t feel like suiting up much and the music could be heard outside of the rather warm room just fine. So it was a good compromise. I heard that people had a fun time and I witness it myself when I walked in on several occasions, but I guess the dances are so well thought of that it is hard not to enjoy them… unless of course you don’t like loud bouncy music!

Fursuit Theater
This year I was given the opportunity to host my own stage show which got dubbed Fursuit Theater and while I had a hard time envisioning what it would take to get it all done, I had a blast making it together with a team of dedicated and creative people! It took over six months of work, from writing the script to recording the voices, to sitting down and doing soundtracks, pacing and actual rehearsals. In the end, when push came to shove and we were on stage… we found out that no matter how much you prepare, things will always go wrong… and tons did go wrong… but when you hear the audience go wild at the final curtain call… something deep inside you crawls out and takes over… elation and relief… and to everyone that worked on the show and to everyone that came to watch us perform even though their art might be on the verge of being auctioned off… a big ass thank you!  Humbled to the fullest!

So… in hindsight… was this EF a step up or a step down from the years before? In all honesty, it is a step up! The venue of the Maritim might be new, the whole con might be smack in the middle of a city… but remember that the people that visit the con… make or break the con… and this year I made new friends again, I met up with old ones… and had a great time with those people close and dear to me! The con was a success in my eyes because I saw so many people have a tremendously great time! Of course things will go wrong… of course there will be complaints… but all in all… I think everyone that worked their asses off to make it happen again, put so much effort and energy into making it happen yet again, can be frigging proud of an achievement that borders on the insane! I dare anyone that thinks lightly about things or that think they can do better to compete with the work and effort that was put into making EF16 – Serengeti happen! I am certain you will come to the conclusion that these people once again made the impossible… possible!

I am severely looking forward to next year! With all its ups and downs, I am sure it will be a great week to spend with friends, like-minded people and loved ones! The minor glitches and errors that popped up will be dealt with I am sure!

Sorry for the wall of text ^^

AMAZING! <- that would be my one-word review. I'll try to make it a bit longer though.
I don't get all the people picking on minor problems. If the fact that the Hotel is in the center of a city is such a big problem, there was noone forcing you to attend.

Was 1A, big spacious lobby, the rooms were so nice! The hotel staff was superfriendly, roomservice was always up to interacting with suiters, people at reception had fun with everyone, I can't complain. Also they were always helpful when I needed something, but I guess that's something I can except from such a Hotel.

Could hardly be any better! Lots of restaurants around, a mall, the train station, historic city center. I understand people missing the being-surrounded by forest on a mountain, but both has its upsides and downsides. Peoples reactions on the street were so great!

I was buffed out by how professional everything was organized, especially at the fursuit parade everyone did such a great job. Every single staff member did an amazing job and they deserve full credit :)

The pool seemed kinda undersized for such a big hotel, but that wasn no problem. I LOVED the free sauna and steamroom, It was very nice to relax for a few minutes and take a break from con-"stress"

Piano Bar
Before the con I was already looking forward to it. And it was exactly how I imagined.. well, even better!
Dear Staff: you did everything right. The music volume was just right so you could talk, but at times other people could dance. It was a great atmosphere and invited for nice socializing and artjams.

Artist lounge
Was great! Thanks for thinking of all the poor artists!

Con price
It was more expensive, but what people don't realize that we still paid hardly anything for the amazing con so many people created. It was worth every cent.

Anyway, dear EF Staff:
(and see you next year!)


--- Quote from: Onkel Kage on 09.09.2010, 18:53:33 ---I see a lot of people complaining that the "spirit" of the convention had somehow changed.  Please be reminded that it is not the hotel, the staff or the programming who make up the spirit of the convention.  It is the attendees themselves.

--- End quote ---
Hear hear!
Finally someone who speaks my mind exactly in the way as I do.
The attendees and the staff did an amazing job of making Eurofurence Eurofurence in my opinion.
Sure, the surroundings and hotel staff is all new and that didn't go unnoticed.
But my focus is always on the ball itself and thus I really haven't got anything to complain.
Again, I must agree with the following quote:

--- Quote ---For a first-year-in-a-new-hotel convention I think that things went remarkably smoothly.  Not much happened that could not be attributed to "oh, so THAT'S how it works here" syndrome.  

--- End quote ---
Not that I had any doom scenarios in my head, but I was quite curious how the first time would progress in this new hotel with a new staff.
Although I heard about some minor drama incidents later on, I personally have not run into any kind of drama with anyone at all.
For me, it all went smoothly and as expected. I was really impressed by this regarding both the EF and the hotel staff.

--- Quote ---Running a convention is unimaginably hard work.  I can tell you that from experience.  These are people who are spending their own holiday time from work, putting in hundreds of hours of planning, suffering from stress that very often leads to nightmares, ulcers and elevated blood pressure (watch for blood vessels bursting in the sclera of the eyes), working themselves to the point of physical exhaustion and sometimes reduced to tears of frustration, and receiving no pay or substantial reward of any kind for the sole purpose of trying to make sure other people have a good time, who then must sit quietly and listen to "I don't think I'm coming back next year because the pillows here are too lumpy."  

--- End quote ---
I can not even begin to find the words to express my sincere and genuine appreciation to all of EF staff other then get emotional and want to hug each of of them tightly for all what they did (and are about to do for EF 17.)
Although, I did manage to hug a few and even buy a drink or what not. It's the least I can do.
Seeing the stressy tweets of Cheetah -for example- not only before but also after the con really made me realize even more consciously how much energy this takes out of the involved people each year to make it all happen for us, the attendees.

So thank you, Eurofurence 16 staff. Thank you so much for doing this all for us!
I have full confidence in your guys each year no matter the circumstances and you definitely will see me again at Eurofurence 17.
Eurofurence is so good, that it has become the number one holiday event for me and nothing (including my work) will stop me from missing it for years to come.

I unfortunately didn't make it this year to EF. However, honestly, everything I've read here seems common to a new location (re: staff, and pricing) and gosh folks, from all I hear there were so many options for food, drink, etc near by that there's no reason to be overly chuffed about it.

Assuming all the cards continue fall right, I shall be there in 2011, and I have yet to have seen a comment in the feedback that would make me even double think about not going :)

PS: The Newspaper idea... I love this. It was one thing that made FC 2005 so much fun, opening the door each morning and finding the latest news, reviews and schedule for the upcoming day. I missed the idea at FC2009.


--- Quote from: Suran on 07.09.2010, 11:05:55 ---- the elevators of cause (maybe point out the existance and placement of the stairs better)
--- End quote ---

Well, I did seen furries who thought it was fun to -just before leaving the elevator- pressing all the buttons of all floors, making the elevator stop at every floor for nothing...


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