Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Honest Feedback about external restaurants here please.

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Alex had an all you can eat breakfast. It was at the fountain, as some people have mentioned. I enjoyed it and I also had my first orangina there.

The chinese restaurant next to the fan bar wasn't good. I had to wait too long and they didn't bothered about the discount.

my favorite Bar was Cocktail Bar One right next to the hotel where they had a cocktail happy hour on Thursday from 8 pm to 10 pm. The place was packed, so I had to wait a half hour for my last cocktail, but I paid 3 Euro's for every cocktail at that hour. That was awesome! Reasonable prices of cocktails ranging from 4,90 to 7 Euro. And food is cheap, too. I just tried the French Fries and it could fill ones stomach.

We tried to get into that Cocktailbar "One"... didn't get far.
It's an all smokers place inside and it was outside was closed... nothing where I want to chill and eat actually.

the italian place was really really warmly.
food is really good , cheap
thay made a discount. we haven't to spend a lot of time to wait

no really . a good restaurant. ^^


--- Quote from: Vixus on 07.09.2010, 01:53:58 ---Negative feedback on the chinese restaurant 'next to the hotel', it's a fancy looking place and it looks tidy, but on Sunday we had to wait for our food from 19:00 until 20:50, and by then it still was not served. I even went to ask the waitress about it and the response I received was "You must patience 20 minutes".
A handful of us decided to pay for the drinks we had whilst playing the waiting game, and left shortly after.

Note: I did go there with a small group earlier and the food was served reasonably quick that time, and it DID TASTE DELICIOUS.
Note: I'm not sure wether this one was on the flyer.

--- End quote ---

hm we had no problems with that Restaurant, it was quick, taste and the people where friendly.. Ok and i got a Chinese beer for free  ;D

I went to the House of Steak twice (Wednesday night with Korrok and her Fella -sorry to hear it caused your illness :(- and again on Saturday after the Motor meet) It is reasonably priced and I found the staff pretty nice, food was served in a decent time for my liking as it did give time to chat and enjoy ourselves. Though when we asked for the coffee offer on Saturday we were told they weren't doing any offers. (Did get complimented on our tails by a random German customer hehe)

Myself and Meyou had a slice of pizza each from this pizza stall in the Mall behind the Maritim one night, 3 euro a slice which were pretty big. Tasty and filled the gap for some time.

The snack bar in the Hotel I gotta say wasn't too bad, 2.50 for a curryvurst isn't too much though I would have liked to have seen something with it like chips or rice perhaps.

And that's me done for food reviews this year ^.=.^


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