Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Streifen premiere aftermath

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Spoileralert hah? =)

"six days and whats left of this one" = seven days.

God took seven days to create the world

So, this is just the beginning.


happy blendering


--- Quote from: kyo on 20.09.2010, 17:27:43 ---BTW:

happy blendering

--- End quote ---
I like the character design, but the fur doesn't convince me yet, probably it needs some self-shadowing to achieve more depth. Currently it looks like painted over the character in a 2D paint software.

Well... actually it does have that "drawn" look on purpose. It took me quite a while to set it up like that. Im fed up with that fainted colors of xyz-fur. I want a more cartoonish look now. A more "extreme" look.

Have a look here now (eyelashes are still missing).

And: The wiki is up (ugly yet but it's been worked on)

Everyone, I repeat, everyone who want's to do some 3D-ish stuff for "panzer o1" is invited.

Kind regards

While Id really love to help out with Panzer o1, I have no skills in 3d animation. So let me help out in a different way.

May I create several Wikifur (the furry wikipedia) articles about Streifen? You know, one main article about the movie itself, then several articles about the characters, and other things featured in the Streifen.

But for this all I would need your permission for use of several screenshots from the movie itself, and of the art youve drawn (poster, Imorgon family creed, etc.).

Onkel Kage:

--- Quote from: Cheetah on 11.09.2010, 13:35:45 ---If people ask for DVDs ... sell them DVDs.
--- End quote ---

I want DVD's of the Pawpet Shows from the last three years!


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