Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Streifen premiere aftermath

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--- Quote from: kyo on 15.09.2010, 22:03:42 ---I admit, cheetah does not know about this plan... but well. Now he does. Hi cheetah, are you any good in DVD-authoring? I guess so.

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Count me in :) I can also do all the PAL/NTSC-Conversions, subtitle embedding, multi-angle, animated menus, and all that jazz ... if you just supply me with the source materials.

@ cheetah: [X] check.
Taibu promised to equip me with the remixed audiotracks by the end of that month. Then I need to change small details in the edit (things I recognized during the feedbacksession) and re-time the Subtitles-file. I suppose you should have a lossless-version of "Streifen"...huhm.. would mid-oktober be okay?

kind regards


--- Quote from: kyo on 24.09.2010, 17:55:54 ---I suppose you should have a lossless-version of "Streifen"

--- End quote ---

Yep, that would be good.

--- Quote ---...huhm.. would mid-oktober be okay?

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What's the deadline?

Well, I do have plans to attend the blenderconference end oktober. And I would like to take the DVD with me.

And don't worry about menus and stuff. Actually I like plain designed DVDs =)

However, I would like to record an "editors comment" audiotrack with you. And I could also equip you with tons of featured artwork (on paper). How about that? =)

Kind regards,


--- Quote from: kyo on 23.09.2010, 17:19:27 ---Well... actually it does have that "drawn" look on purpose. It took me quite a while to set it up like that. Im fed up with that fainted colors of xyz-fur. I want a more cartoonish look now. A more "extreme" look.

Have a look here now (eyelashes are still missing).

--- End quote ---
Nice looking so far. Again, you seem to make heavy use of procedural textures.

--- Quote ---And: The wiki is up (ugly yet but it's been worked on)

Everyone, I repeat, everyone who want's to do some 3D-ish stuff for "panzer o1" is invited.

--- End quote ---
I have an earth scene setup in Softimage XSI. The planets are only primitive spheres anyways, the textures are the important part and the atmosphere can be tricky sometimes. I can send you my earth textures and try to explain, how I did the atmosphere. Currently I am too busy to learn Blender and rebuild the setup there.
Of course I could model the Taj Mahal, but again, because of lack of free time you have to be patient about me delivering this in the near future.

I would recommend to install a developer's message board (or a mailing list) for the Panzer o1 team, this thread will not be sufficient for that :)


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