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Stairs and elevators...

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First of all, thanks to the Hotel for taking the necessary measures to enable use of the fire escape stairs as a means of getting between floors this year.

However, this facility wasn't really publicised all that much, so there were still a LOT of attendees using the elevators just to go one or two floors (fursuiters excluded, as they do have good reason to use the elevators), to the detriment of those needing to go further.

Would it be possible to affix prominent notices to the doors next year (if the con's at the same Hotel, of course) and also near the elevators, to remind people that the stairs can be used to get between floors as well (the one exception being the stairs by the main stage, which have no access to the Conference Level)?

And also from the Ground Floor, there are stairs by the "Da Capo" Restaurant leading up to the Conference Level.

On a similar vein, could attendees please remember to give fursuiters priority when it comes to the elevators? They need to use them more than you do in most cases (unless your room happens to be on, say, the 3rd Floor or higher and you're going up from the Ground Floor). It's common courtesy to do so, and they'll thank you for it.

And finally, if you're going downstairs, even from the higher floors, why not use the stairs? You've got gravity assistance going down, after all. For the benefit of those who don't speak German, the numbered floors are the bedrooms, ZG is the Conference Level and EG is the Ground Floor.



I found most of the doors from the fire escape stairs to the hallways locked, especially at the back of the hotel; signs also indicated that you could only exit on ground floor level. I had to move a lot between fifth and sixth floor, so I preferred the stairs whenever possible, but they were not always accessible.

The biggest annoyance with the elevators imho were people pressing all floor buttons just for 'fun' or using 'escape codes' for bypassing the normal programming. I've seen several times that an elevator would halt at a specific floor without the doors opening, even when the call button was pressed. Even without all the messing around it could take a very long time just to get from ground level to the 6th floor, so I really would appreciate con-goers to be a bit more social in their elevator use next year.


--- Quote from: Kuma on 22.08.2011, 12:59:42 ---The biggest annoyance with the elevators imho were people pressing all floor buttons just for 'fun' or using 'escape codes' for bypassing the normal programming.

--- End quote ---

Yes, I was in a lift and someone was talking about if they pressed a button and another button it would go from your floor to your destination without stopping at the interim floors, I had to bite my tongue to prevent a outburst of rage, I really wanted to say "you selfish ****!"

Thankfully whilst within said lift he said it "sadly wasn't working anymore", too damn right!, shouldn't of been 'working' in the first place!

Now during the opening ceremonies they said all stairs had access to all levels, next time make sure that its indicated that its the ONE staircase you can go UP in, the rest you can only go DOWN in, going up to the fourth floor and then realising you can't get anywhere was a pain.

Whilst suiters get priority and I always make sure they do, there has to be a fine level between being kind and being treated as a sap, waiting to get a lift I remember that suiters would appear and then I'd let them in, so waiting abit more, MORE suiters appear and I let them get in first, when I decided to get on the next time the lift appeared I got a slight earfull of flak since the 'suiters go first', yes I know they do but when your trying to get to the 6th floor to see a friend there has to be a point where one can draw the line!

Last thing, there are stairs between 0 and C, near the entrance, plus most of the stairwells go to C level too, USE THEM, taking the lift from 0 to C is pointless and wastes time!.

Ahem, I'll stop now! ^_^

There was some problems with stairs, but as Southie point out. Use the F* stairs, it goes better down then up. and 2nd or 3rd floor are not so far.

If I remember correctly there 
- "front entry stairs" you need swipe your card key to get to rooms floor levels (2nd floor lock was broken)
- "stage stairs" all floor except Conference level
- "art gallery stairs  access only to Conference level and I believe 1st floor there was some door lock and I hear somebody nearly ( or actually lock himself) in try use the stair from upper floors.

Sorry if I cause any trouble to some of you by claiming elevator for equipment trolley, but was failing behind schedule and service elevator is in reception area. (too far) 

Having used all four sets of stairs at various times, I can reasonably confidently say that none of the doors were least not on the Ground, Conference, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Floor levels! Indeed, as mentioned in the Opening Ceremonies, they'd specially fitted handles to all of the doors precisely so you could open them from the inside on all floors.

And whilst the card readers were active on the "usual" stairs near Reception, the locks had been overridden and you didn't need to swipe to open the doors from the inside.

Again, your mileage may vary...




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