Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Purple Feedback

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What was the subject then - purple feedback? Sorry to spoil the hue when this turns into a much more interesting discussion about suiter policy with even the chairman asking for feedback...

Bodysuits depend a lot how the guy wearing it looks like in panties. So far I was always lucky seeing just sexy lean furs wearing them. Still I consider it a major danger for fursuiters to run into such a guy and end with an copy of it on the suit. It should be perfectly clear that it is the reponsibility of these persons to keep an eye on their environment or when they are distracted by talk they may even need a spotter to avoid any unwanted impacts - suiters with their limited vision cannot do this. But it's just a general fear, everything was fine this year.

And what is wrong with the fur looking in my eyes like a heavily plated chinese warrior in leather outfit. Might have been even a furry wearing it if yor imagination suffices. Can't be so difficult to "explain" this in the context of Kung Fu Hustle and a main-stage with something like the chinese wall in the background. I found this costume great as well as the decission to allow it. If people lack fantasy even discussing "roleplaying anthropomorphic animal characters" can get you caught, not a reason not to do it. Maybe just explaining special allowed suits here, in the con book or at a board in the lobby might suit everyfur's need.

Ok we talk about negative or less negative emotions your policies imply then and you cheetah (posting order changed) eh well... read it - I hope so  ;)

You noticed I didn't really discuss them much but just pointed to me feelings being confronted with these policies  being applied to the Con (sorry for my inconsiderate writing)

Look, I can see that I may have stirred up an untintentional hornet's nest when I didn't mean to. Perhaps another thread to discuss this topic is in order? Or failing that, please do feel free to PM or email me. I don't bite. Much. ;)

As the only zentai suiter at the con, and also the organiser of the bodypainting group I'd be very happy to talk openly to anyone with any questions, concerns or (non-flaming) opinions on the matter. It's something I genuinely consider an art-form, and my intentions were always to open up the eyes of those who might be interested in giving it a try themselves, rather than to shock or horrify.

Last post in this thread by me.

Can we please keep this an actual feedback thread? We will take everything written here very seriously - but please understand that the EF board of directors can and will not discuss policies in public. We're a large convention, our focus lies on what furries have in common. Sometimes that means that certain special interests need to take second place - and there's no foolproof way to come up with a 100% rational decision that will make everyone happy. Rest assured, that there's never any ill intent on our side - we just want people to get along.

Philosophical discussions about our policies are not very helpful - there are 1000 attendees, and 1000 different opinions - and most con-goers have a hard time relating to the social challenges organizers have to face when running such a large event.

What helps is feedback about things that acutally happened at the con, and what the consequences were for you personally.

indeed the leather suit was something of a "wtf" thing even for me, cool, yes, but there were a few things that were slight to obvious "fetish" gear with it, like the leather arm-restraints/handcuffs at the waist, could be exchanged for an actual sword belt or something? and some of the rings sitting in obvious possitions that an actual armour wouldn't have them in. and then a more practical issue of the claws on the boots that might not, even if only ?leather? be very nice to get accidentally stomped or scrached by. didn't really stop him to check what they were, but they cought my eye.

when it comes to body painters, taking it to the more public perspective, there are commercials (at least in sweden) more offencive then that, especially about one of the SONY mobiles were a guy runs around in only speedoes. and lots of TV-shows contain worse stuff as well.


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