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I was also quite upset seen some leather suits. Specially in public places during day.

Now when I see that photo in newspaper I really wonder what message it have had send to public and youngsters.

Hey, guys, come on! I mean, honestly, RTL (biggest German private TV station) even did an interview with him, and not once took the chance to show anything but his head. So if even yellow press / media considered him to be less of a freak than suits with boobs, skirts, etc -- leather being a fetish and not just a material might only be in your head ...


--- Quote from: ysegrim on 23.08.2011, 22:09:42 ---Hey, guys, come on! I mean, honestly, RTL (biggest German private TV station) even did an interview with him, and not once took the chance to show anything but his head. So if even yellow press / media considered him to be less of a freak than suits with boobs, skirts, etc -- leather being a fetish and not just a material might only be in your head ...

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If i might be so bold as to make a statement of a decidedly interwebish quality: This.


--- Quote from: ysegrim on 23.08.2011, 22:09:42 ---leather being a fetish and not just a material might only be in your head ...

--- End quote ---

This might be, yeah. But if a non furry person see's it, this thought is probably the first one in their mind. I decided to not show this recording to my parents, for example. They are >60 years and I know, what my mum would think. I dont take them as a rate for everyone outthere. But its just the fact, that ppl think that stuff...
Could end up in a loooong flaming discussion :/

Hmmm.ok, point taken. The winfoxi suit was more revealing than leatherhorse.. ^.^ And some of the body painters were even less clothed.


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