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--- Quote from: Fairlight on 24.08.2011, 00:51:57 ---Hmmm.ok, point taken. The winfoxi suit was more revealing than leatherhorse.. ^.^ And some of the body painters were even less clothed.

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So true :/


--- Quote from: Keenora on 23.08.2011, 11:22:22 ---At first and for me a main reason, was, that there was a fetish-gear horse thing, which ran around. As far as I heared it, he got some special allowment to run around at the con. I dunno who it was, nor I care about what he is wearing. But there were camera teams and a lot of I totally not get it, why he was able to run around like that...

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Absolutely agree.
Honestly, I don't get why there always seems to be one exception being made. I remember another costume that looked very similar (horse that was basically built out of fetish gear) running around at previous EFs, and he never got sent away.
Especially since security is usually very strict about the rules (not a bad thing) and in usually things that are questionable are forbidden.
I really love showing reports and photos to friends and family, but this guy kind of makes a lot of photos awkward.

Well, at least this was the only annoying thing this year.. I feel sorry for the person with the really cute suit in the newspaper next to leatherfetishguy.

Please, next year don't make exceptions on this!


this is a pretty hot topic, and I would like to chime in. I would like to find out what makes this costume so offensive to you. Because, quite honestly, I think it looks rather cool. To me it looks like a piece of well crafted leather plate armour with a wolf head on it, and most interestingly ... none of the press or the public took any offense as far as I know. And also, as far as I know, the wearer did not engage in any questionable behaviour in public ... and even seemed to be very sensible when talking to the media. And the wearer also complied to our rules of conduct, and contacted us in advance, and we gave him permission to wear his leather wolf (and declined his request to wear two other costumes in public, just for the record). From a purely rational standpoint, everything was (to my knowledge) perfectly in order.

Now, I do sense a lot of negative emotions, and I would like to find out what causes these emotions. I've seen far more revealing (or outright ugly) suits than the leather wolf, and a lot of cases of wardrobe fail that I found a lot more offensive. But I only see very few complaints about those. So my theory is, that there is more behind these negative emotions than just the outer appearance, and I'd like to find out what it is.

I've seen some leather wolf heads and armor in larp rp events in past years (even two kids rp'ing wolves) and its first time I hear its offensive.
I did not see the guys wearing these costumes at EF so I'm not sure how offensive those looked but the one on TV report was quite similar as larps I've been in.

Maybe they dont fit EF I dont know but there's been all kinds of things past years like klingons, stormtroopers and stuff the fur conventions and other conventions are combining and as they grow massively its hard to keep em appart I thinks.

Even local roleplaying conventions and anime cons now include regular furries, they dont mind "our" suits.

If you ask me, I'd like it to be just fursuits. I like body painters but dont like to hug one in my suit, I like leather armors of them awesomeness but would prob keep them just on larps aaand I like lycras how they look but realy dont know if they'd fit in this community.

Just my 2 cents :3
- Kisu

Personally I think some furs are just victims of their own preconceptions here. I recall that leather plate armor guy and actually found it quite interesting to see such a different approach to something resembling a (fur-)suit. Some other people catched my eye, one who had these almost naked looking legs (due to some latex stuff I think?) and a couple of people in bodypainting. But other than them being an unsual sight that made me kinda look twice, there was nothing negative about them. 

I think it very much has to do with how a fur acts and behaves him- or herself in such suits/dresses, that should determine whether or not they are allowed to show their stuff at EF. If someone acts mature and with common sense, I like to give the benefit of doubt even if the costume is unusual and might take some time getting used to. And as Gyroplast said, noone likes playing fashion police much. So unless someone has something more solid to offer against those than pure subjective aesthetics, I would very much like to see those people again that way in the years to come.


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