Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback from EF17

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Well Eurofurence 17 has been and gone and we start to amble back into our regular lives, wallets lightened, memory cards filled, PCD clouding our thoughts!

I LOVED this years Eurofurence, everything went so smoothly and nearly everything ran to time!

The delays of the dealers den opening and the pawpet show are almost traditional so I've come to expect them!.

I've hardly anything negative to say from this year, I had such a fun time and had alot of fun!

Also to the person who made this years smoking sign, thank you!, always raises a chuckle, plus the two signs (last years and this one) are on the sponsors USB stick, neat!

One thing I'll say, the super sponsors gift, last year it was a face towel, this year it's a delightfully cute wash bag...are you trying to tell us something?! haha!

Thank you ALL who make sure Eurofurence is awesome every year, all the late nights, tears and stress, just, thank you!

Bring on Eurofurence 18!

Quincy the Raccoon:
I totally agree with Krakendwaggin! It was my first EF and it will certainly be not the last one! Only one thing: Maritim, please LOWER those insane high prices. And what's the point to even give tapwater a pricetag of €0,50? What's the use of that?!?!

That stuff aside: it was awesome. EF 18 -- I'm ready for it!


--- Quote from: krakendwaggin on 23.08.2011, 11:34:02 ---Well Eurofurence 17 has been and gone and we start to amble back into our regular lives, wallets lightened, memory cards filled, PCD clouding our thoughts!

I LOVED this years Eurofurence, everything went so smoothly and nearly everything ran to time!

The delays of the dealers den opening and the pawpet show are almost traditional so I've come to expect them!.

I've hardly anything negative to say from this year, I had such a fun time and had alot of fun!

Also to the person who made this years smoking sign, thank you!, always raises a chuckle, plus the two signs (last years and this one) are on the sponsors USB stick, neat!

One thing I'll say, the super sponsors gift, last year it was a face towel, this year it's a delightfully cute wash bag...are you trying to tell us something?! haha!

Thank you ALL who make sure Eurofurence is awesome every year, all the late nights, tears and stress, just, thank you!

Bring on Eurofurence 18!

--- End quote ---

Hehe, maybe soap next year ;3

I double that, EF 17 was one of the most best days of my life once again and probably the first con that I realy cried after it was over.
Big thanks to you all.

- Kisu

I have to say I also had a really great con !

For the first year I had a real staff job as being responsible for dance lighthing, and it really took me more time then I was thinking, but I had a lot of fun working on it :) If possible, I'll try to do it again next year !

I think this EF went way way better then last year, the general atmosphere of it was just perfect ! I never went to bed before 4am, even if Iw as awake at 9am ...

Otherwise I would like to point a cople stuff :


- The hotel staff was perfect this year, from bar to reception to room cleaning, it's so awesome to come back to your room after a long day and find it perfectly clean  8)
- The 2 room for the dealers den was a big plus compare to last year, way more space to circulate and less noisy. Also the security staff made a great job at avoiding having to much people at the same time inside.
- The pawpet show, was seriously the first time I watch it from the beginning to the end, and I had fun doying so.
- Cocktails at the bar might be a bit expensive, but the quality there was really awesome ...


- The front stairs were open on all floor at all the time, but that wasn't the case with the back one, some floor were open while other close. But it was always possible to get to the main floor.  


- Fetish gear ? I saw a lot of people wearing some, also zeta suit and body paint ( with just the genital part hiding ) ...

Also, here are the pict I took during the con :

And a small video I made of the dance's :

Just a short message for now, but I just wanted to say I absolutely LOVED the con. It's nearly impossible to think of any complaints at all. It was definitely the best con I ever attended so far, thanks again to everone who made it possible :D

I'll post more detailed feedback later!


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