Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback from EF17

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Best con ever!! The whole team has truly outdone itself once again. It's always really hard to imagine how to make the con any better, but they did it like every year :)

I'll need some time to write together all the positive feedback (and the very few things that could be improved), so I'll do that later :D

Well it was my first EF this year and I have to say... it was awesome. I never thought that the con is going to be that good.  EF 18...I'll be there for sure =)

Fantastic con, and it was my 10th EF or so.

It ranks way up there with the best of them. It's hard to name an EF that wasn't made of 100% pure awesome, really... but EF17 was one of the very best.

I went to EF 17 with a friend and we attended some anime/cosplay conventions before, but this was both our first furryconvention. We absolutly loved it:

* the family environment, nobody seems untouchable, you can talk to everyone and hug them
* the well structured organization, the con ran absolutly smoothly and was well planned
* the location and setup of the hotel, nearby to the trainstation and a shopping center, all rooms are pretty much equally far away from the big con-area in the center
* the visitors, next to parents with their kids even old people visited and weren't even afraid to take a hug, it is nice to make them smile
* the community feeling and care for each other, the fursuit lounge with their repair station, big fans and drinks

* the love for the furry scene, it was amazing how much effort people put into their shows, panels, pictures and creations to do their share for the furry fandom and an awesome con
So even we didn't knew anybody, we didn't felt like outsiders. It seemed really easy to get into talk with people and make new friends.
But maybe it would be good for next EF if there would be a kind of wall standing around or maybe a simple online board for personal unofficial schedules.
Like when a group of decides to head out in fur to the city and are fine to invite maybe +3 more people to their group. I would have loved to go into the city, both in fur and to take photos of people.
So maybe a kind of unofficial board or schedule for the attendees would be great where you can put up your "event" and people can join.
(Maybe there is already something like that, sorry then ^^)

Also the security did a great job. I headed out as bearess in swimsuit and see-through blanket around my hips. Then I saw furries standing at the street and waving at cars in front of the hotel.
I didn't thought anything bad and also headed to the street to join the fun. I think Gyroplast came after a few minutes to me and whispered to me that people might think something wrong when I would stand at the street dressed like that. I quickly headed back to the hotel. I'm so sorry about that, was my fault, I didn't thought about how I looked and was taken away by the furry fun ^^ Hugs to Gyroplast! :)
When I was standing in suit at the entrance of the hotel, some drunken guys (not attendees of the con, just people randomly coming by) asked me about how I look like out of suit. 2 People of the security that were around then asked me if I'm okay or if those people bother me. So great job from the security, you felt cared for and safe and that is important when you are in suit. Many thanks!

My friend and me loved EF and I can't wait to see more of the furry world. It was such a positive impression, we are sooo looking forward to EF 18! :)

Hey there,

I'd also like to say a few words about my very first EF.
Short version: AWESOME!!!1

Long version:
You guys and gals simply exceeded all my expectations and I was totally overwhelmed and stunned about the con. I had lots of fun and met so many awesome and funny, known and new people... a complete sensory overload.
I liked the hotel very very much and all rooms, events and programs seemed to be very well organised. People have been absolutely open-hearted, I guess I never experienced it before in such a way. Loved the fursuit lounge with all its services! And I've been really sad to leave, even if I also looked forward to sleeping more than 4-5 hours a night again. :D

However, there is one point that could be figured as a small minus.
The prices in the bar and coffee-thing in the lobby.

It's a high-class hotel, I'm seriously aware of that, and I have no problem at all to pay a little bit more than I'm used to, but I think 9,90 EUR for a cocktail and 3,80 EUR for a simple coffee are a little bit too much, especially when I think of the hotel being booked out completely. I don't really care about the restaurants and such because we had all possibilities to buy food, drinks and such in the local mall and go to other restaurants that have been really worth the money.
Buuut... later the evening or partying all night long, you couldn't do anything but to buy drinks at the bar. And I certainly would have ordered more drinks, if there hadn't been this really baaad feeling about my remaining money all the time.
I'm pretty sure I would have ordered some coffee too, but I surrendered the plan immediately when I saw the price list.

Plus, and that's something that's still annoying me:
For all the world to see, they filled up my second cocktail glass with crushed ice because the mixed drink would not be enough for both glasses. That's a NOGO if I have to pay 10 bucks for a drink. Definitely.

All in all, it's been a great and unforgettable time and I thank you a thousand times for making it possible.


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