Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback from EF17

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This was one of the best cons I've ever attended. Everyone did such a great job and MANY things people complained about last year were done/got better.

- Art Show was great (pick up and cash out, almost no waiting time), actually loved the separation. The "new" bidsheets weren't such a big problem as everyone thought they would be.
- The Dealer's Den felt less crowded than last year, great improvement.
- The restaurants outside the hotel were much more friendly, faster and professional.
- Still love the location, so many options to eat out and buy something last minute!
- The overall mood was very awesome

There's only one thing that annoyed me quite a lot ... the music in the Piano Bar (when there was none of EF's DJs). Tina Turner was just about (well, very hard) to tolerate, but when they started to play SCHLAGER (I only say Wolfgang Petry ... ) I was close to throwing up. I mean, if there are reasons why they can't/don't want to play other/our music - I really would love to hear them.

Pan Hesekiel Shiroi:
I have to admit that this year's EF was by far the most awesome EF I ever had. :)

The security did an awesome job, the medics were always around when you needed them, con ops and logistics worked so well and even the hotel staff seemed to have learned from last year's experience. There were so many things that helped making this EF a wonderful experience.
Dividing the art show was an awesome idea as well as having two dealers' dens again.
I really loved that convention and hope next year will be just as awesome. :)

However ... among all the endless good things, there was one thing that was really disappointing this time - the piano bar.

No discussion about the kinds of music they played there (though Nimrais really has a point there) but it was just way too loud IMHO.
Wasn't the original intention of no longer having the singing piano lady around to make it a little less loud and actually possible to talk to other people without shouting? Instead you replaced her with even louder DJs and repeating music mixes ...

The piano bar this year was rather disappointing ... it was too loud, you had to wait half an hour for your drinks (even if the counter at the bar wasn't full), the glasses weren't full at times (like ... one fourth of the drink was missing) and they even charged more than the price that was actually written on the card (which made me simply stop giving them tips or ordering myself at all).
Not to mention that the Pinacolada didn't taste like one and the White Russian ... well, leaving the strange taste aside, it didn't even look like one. :') (And yes, I did order those drinks there last year and they tasted goddamn awesome.)
While a lot of people were complaining about the prices for the cocktails, the quality last year was definitely worth it. However, this year it wasn't. At least not to me.

If the piano bar stays that way, I'll probably end up spending most of my free time in the evenings (as well as the money) somewhere else.

However, aside from that bar, it was a great con, great people and it felt rather relaxed. :)
Thanks a lot to all the other staff departments that did do such an awesome job. I really appreciated being able to attend EF and I hope next year will be just as great.

Just my two cents and a little ranting. ;)

Hi Faolin!

First of all, I'm glad to hear that you had a great time! Thank you very much for your kind words. I won't go much into detail, but for you and everybody else here who had incidents with the hotel:

The most important thing if you are not happy with your drink or your meal is to complain IMMEDIATELY to your waiter, and have them fix your problem. It's their job, and for the price you are paying, you have the right to demand appropriate service. And if you do it in a polite friendly way, they will do everything to help you. The hotel staff works very hard to service more than 1000 people for almost exactly one full week. That means, they are running at about 200% of their normal capacity. Mishaps will happen, and please do not outright assume these are hostile attempts to rip you off. We are bringing this place to their limits, and sometimes this will show.

Whatever happened: It is pointless to take your complaint to us, Eurofurence, weeks or months after the con. I can understand how you felt, but what are we supposed to do about it? It was not us who poured you the drink, and even if we forwarded your complaint, nobody at the hotel will take a single complaint about ice cubes seriously several days after you've paid your bill and left.

What goes for individual complaints about the service also goes for the prices: The hotel, although they are our hosts, is a business separate from Eurofurence. They can fix the prices however THEY want, and they will do so by strictly economic criteria. If you find the cocktail prices too high, I can totally relate to you. Of course you want your drinks as affordable as possible, everyone wants that. But it's not our business - so we have no influence on the prices. The only thing I can recommend is voting with your feet, and either get drunk at roomparties and stick to the affordable drinks in the bar (the beer prices are pretty normal for a bar, for example), or maybe try the cocktail bar directly next door. I've heard they're really good.

It's really important to understand the difference between services provided on the behalf of Eurofurence, and those provided on behalf of the hotel. You can still voice your opinion about hotel services here, and compare experiences with others of course. It won't change a thing tho :)


--- Quote from: Pan Hesekiel Shiroi on 24.08.2011, 12:20:01 ---
However ... among all the endless good things, there was one thing that was really disappointing this time - the piano bar.

No discussion about the kinds of music they played there (though Nimrais really has a point there) but it was just way too loud IMHO.
Wasn't the original intention of no longer having the singing piano lady around to make it a little less loud and actually possible to talk to other people without shouting? Instead you replaced her with even louder DJs and repeating music mixes ...

The piano bar this year was rather disappointing ... it was too loud, you had to wait half an hour for your drinks (even if the counter at the bar wasn't full), the glasses weren't full at times (like ... one fourth of the drink was missing) and they even charged more than the price that was actually written on the card (which made me simply stop giving them tips or ordering myself at all).
Not to mention that the Pinacolada didn't taste like one and the White Russian ... well, leaving the strange taste aside, it didn't even look like one. :') (And yes, I did order those drinks there last year and they tasted goddamn awesome.)
While a lot of people were complaining about the prices for the cocktails, the quality last year was definitely worth it. However, this year it wasn't. At least not to me.

If the piano bar stays that way, I'll probably end up spending most of my free time in the evenings (as well as the money) somewhere else.

--- End quote ---

Piano bar's drinks quality did vary alot but it doesnt help much typing it here, if it wasnt good why not just tell them right there at least we did once :)?

And I partly agree with the music, it was way too loud as yelling next to other person could not talk properly.
Me and hHp and Bria would've liked some Jazz or perhaps Blues with the fine coctails. That'd fit the bar well.

I didn't complain much of the prices this year, there was happy hour with reduced price this time one evening and even normal prices there are 2euros below awerage Finnish bar prices :P

Some furs said there was few awesome bars almost next to the hotel but I did not have much time to check those. Maybe try em next year. (one bar was not happy for foreign peeps as if you did not speak german they served like 1 drink per 1,5hours or so)


--- Quote from: Nimrais on 23.08.2011, 22:22:07 ---There's only one thing that annoyed me quite a lot ... the music in the Piano Bar (when there was none of EF's DJs). Tina Turner was just about (well, very hard) to tolerate, but when they started to play SCHLAGER (I only say Wolfgang Petry ... ) I was close to throwing up. I mean, if there are reasons why they can't/don't want to play other/our music - I really would love to hear them.

--- End quote ---

I think we did not request any special kind of music on those days, so they played random stuff they had in store. I would suggest you take this criticism directly to BBF (in case he misses your post here), and maybe he'll be able to provide a few mix CDs for the bar to play at the times when nobody's DJing.


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