Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

Eurofurence Videos

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I like it. I was expecting some driving action, but you captured some nice fursuiter moments.
Yes, sometimes it can be hard to choose the "right" music for your pictures. You did a pretty good job concerning this. But you mixed up the album and band name for "Crashed into a spiral world". The band's name is "All my faults" and the album title is "neo.NøiR".


Opening Ceremony, forgot to link it here  m(

one of my videos got muted....
question is, why didn't they do that first instead of only blocking it for germans?
and anyone have any sugestions on what to do against it?


--- Quote from: BluePaw on 01.11.2011, 20:12:44 ---and anyone have any sugestions on what to do against it?

--- End quote ---

Keep it that way or take it down before more happens.

Quincy the Raccoon:

--- Quote from: BluePaw on 01.11.2011, 20:12:44 ---one of my videos got muted....
question is, why didn't they do that first instead of only blocking it for germans?
and anyone have any sugestions on what to do against it?

--- End quote ---
Aaaargh! No fun without music.  m( Stupid YouTube...  >:( Can't you repost it on Vimeo?


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