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Eurofurence Videos

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--- Quote from: Suran on 25.09.2011, 19:47:37 ---
--- Quote from: Huskyboy on 25.09.2011, 19:36:29 ---
i need to make an new youtube account, because they banned mine, because RTL whines around about copyright issues  ;D

--- End quote ---

Copyright-strikes are permanent and for all YouTube accounts ever created that share a Google Account.

--- End quote ---

I know, but i use different mails for every google service i use ... ok thats only Blogger and Youtube , i had 5 YOutube accounts, till they banned one, now i have 5 again  ;D

i would not use "yiff" as tag, i dont want troll commenting videos  :P

Quincy the Raccoon:
But you can always turn OFF the comments of the vids you upload. Just turn the commenting section to OFF and voila, no dramas!  :D


finished..  :P


The (nearly Complete) Fursuit Dance Contest, on the end are a few seconds missing, because of empty battery, needed a few seconds to change it, and for the last ~20 seconds the tape runned out, and i was not in time to change it sorry

The video of the Motofurs meet is done.
For the heck of it I could not find any decent CC-music for it, so these 3 songs will have to do.


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