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Eurofurence Videos

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--- Quote from: CleanerWolf on 18.09.2011, 18:44:09 ---... and if you are the uploader try to avoid tags like "yiff", it seems to attract trolls more than a turd attracts flies. 

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Now that you mention it - good point. Why is a Fursuit Parade tagged with "eurofurence 17 furry yiff fursuit parade magdeburg"?
Blatantly wrong use of the word or an attempt to fishing for attention itself?


Because to get more watchers, i dont want to know how much people search "yiff" on youtube  m(

i need to make an new youtube account, because they banned mine, because RTL whines around about copyright issues  ;D


--- Quote from: Huskyboy on 25.09.2011, 19:36:29 ---
i need to make an new youtube account, because they banned mine, because RTL whines around about copyright issues  ;D

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Copyright-strikes are permanent and for all YouTube accounts ever created that share a Google Account.


--- Quote from: Huskyboy on 25.09.2011, 19:36:29 ---Because to get more watchers, i dont want to know how much people search "yiff" on youtube  m(
--- End quote ---
You might want to reconsider whether the crowd you're attracting is really the one you want to reach. I do hope you care for the people liking your video, not only for a purely statistical number?



--- Quote from: Zefiro on 25.09.2011, 20:28:37 ---not only for a purely statistical number?

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...or trolls


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