Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback in Deutscher Sprache (german language)

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Attention: Please only use this thread if you feel your english is not good enough to post in any of the other english language feedback threads. We would prefer not to exclude the majority of forum users from this conversation.

Achtung: Bitte in diesem Thread nur dann antworten, wenn du das Gefühl hast, dein Englisch sei nicht gut genug um in den anderen englischsprachigen Threads mitzumachen. Wir möchten es gerne vermeiden, daß sich die Mehrheit des Forums von unserer Unterhaltung ausgeschlossen fühlt.


--- Quote from: Codewolf on 26.08.2011, 14:25:20 ---I dont have the time to spend all day, every day devoting myself to learn a language that is not my native one but i still try, and i try to speak as much german as i possibly can when i am over in germany, this coming from a country and a culture where it is thought that 'we dont need to learn another language, everyone speaks english'.

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Code, you don't have to justify yourself. I think the criticism was totally uncalled for. English is the official language of the con. Your work and dedication is absolutely appreciated.


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 26.08.2011, 14:34:46 ---
--- Quote from: Codewolf on 26.08.2011, 14:25:20 ---I dont have the time to spend all day, every day devoting myself to learn a language that is not my native one but i still try, and i try to speak as much german as i possibly can when i am over in germany, this coming from a country and a culture where it is thought that 'we dont need to learn another language, everyone speaks english'.

--- End quote ---

Code, you don't have to justify yourself. I think the criticism was totally uncalled for. English is the official language of the con. Your work and dedication is absolutely appreciated.

--- End quote ---
danke :)
(also google translate is my friend :3 )


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