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Restaurants et all feedback

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Most of us left the hotel to do other things. Some feedback on restaurants, bars, and other atractions might be useful.

For example I've heard people complain there's nowhere to go late at night. Not true. Myself, Scale, and a bunch of italian furs found this place at the south end of Breiter Weg:
Not sure how late it closes, but we had dinner there after the Pawpet show. So pretty damn late.
Good: Cheap food. Vegitarian selection. Awesome ceiling.
Bad: 1km from hotel. There were some drunk people there. Possibly not the best place to go alone or in a fursuit.

I heard reports that staff at the nearby italian restaurant were rude, but haven't gone there myself.

The Green Citidell is well worth a visit. One of the internal shops contains a scale model of the whole structure. You'll probablyneed it to get a grasp on how the whole thing fits together. - And Scale, you have no sense of artistic taste. :P

Zoo... Wouldn't go a second time. Many animals showed signs of severe stress, and some (Elephants spring to mind) were housed in completely inadiquate and barran facilities. You also may wish to take your own food. I've seen far worse, but I've also seen better.

Pizza Hut was ... a Pizza Hut. English menus vailable. Staff will gently berate you if you try to speak german.

Cathedral has some very interesting sulpture inside, one of which depicts the Garden of Eden with a Naga.

Anyone else care to share their experiences?
And possibly make suggestions for next year's sightseeing leaflet?

Qilin: Affordable, high quality asian food, especially the Sushi was excellent - especially for the price. A clean and lofty place, somewhat unfriendly staff at times, great selection of foods and specialty drinks. I ate there three times.

Goldene Burg: An immensely greasy, moderately to quite tasty Mongolian BBQ. Ingredients were fresh and the variety was decent. Their Asian Buffet was greasy, stale and not good. Their Sushi is the worst I had in my life. All you can eat ice cream included with their buffet deal (3 flavors available). I dined there once.

La Piazza: Excellent Italian restaurant, very nice selection of foods, we loved the wine and pasta, as well as the salads and the Zabaione. I dined there once.

Ortega House of Steaks: Quite excellent, though long serving times. I had the Ortega Salad there twice, and it's the best chicken I had in my life (not exaggerating!) on a decent mixed salad. Other furs said the steaks were quite good, in particular the rump and fillet steaks, as well as the steak in gorgonzola sauce. I dined there twice, and left early when we just weren't served one other time.

Asia Junk Food Shack at the Mall: Don't. It sucks. I ate there once.

Ice Cream Vendor at the Mall: Fantastic, top quality ice cream made fresh every day. I loved their Rocher ice cream. I had ice cream three or four times there.

Spielbank Magdeburg (Casino): Closed, maybe going out of business. Used to be one of the few government licensed casinos in Germany where you can play Poker at moderately low stakes. Hopefully it reopens. I didn't get in. :)

There was this czech place at the right side of the Hotel (to your right side when you stand in front of the main entrance and look at the hotel).
This place was WONDERFUL.
- The service was nice enough
- The food tasted indeed very much like the czech original (I used to travel to czech and enjoy their restaurants a lot in my childhood)
- I even heared the sanitary installations were very advanced, much better even the one in our hotel.
- The prices were moderate. I payed 13€ including a glass of water and was perfectly full afterwards.

Happy dog is happy. Will go again next year.

Fafnir Kristensen:
Qilin: the food was very good, but the service is awful.
the first time we went there, they needed 1h40 to prepare a cocktail. even if the place was full, thats severely too long.
the second time, we went to eat sushi, but the waiter only told us they were short of sushi when she came back to take our order ... also brought a wrong plate.

La Piazza: Excellent pasta and pizza, service was pleasant too

Ortega House of Steaks: went there around 14h and they accepted us without questions. excellent meat. they also have pizza if there is a vegetarian in your group.

Kebab at the Mall (lowerlevel): Quite good for a kebab, excellent quantity/price ratio

Ice Cream Vendor at the Mall: good icecream but it was melting quite quickly, also they do sandwich and toast snack good enough if you dont want an icecream.


--- Quote from: ANTIcarrot on 25.08.2011, 13:15:08 ---Pizza Hut was ... a Pizza Hut. English menus vailable. Staff will gently berate you if you try to speak german.
--- End quote ---

That's funny, cause this Pizza Hut was nothing like those we have at home (Netherlands). Ours are of McDonalds level, only serving grease-dripping pizzas or putty pastas, and certainly not offering proper restaurant seating. Was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the food here, though the waiting staff was hit-and-miss.

I'm surprised that in 4 reviews no-one has mentioned Alex yet (located at the rear lefthand side, facing the hotel, at the big fountain). Really great food, perhaps on the expensive side for local restaurants, but still cheap by my home standards. Friendly staff, and waiting times were always acceptable.

ANTIcarrot, cheers for the tip on the Green citadel, will definitely go looking for that model next year.

Does anyone know if there is a museum for local Magdeburg history? Comparing photos in the old Johanniskirche to present day situation offers a glimpse, but would like a more complete story.


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