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Restaurants et all feedback

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At this EF I found some free time to try some more restaurants around the Hotel.

Asian Restaurant "Qilin": The prices are affordable and the food is excellent! I tried soups, rice menues and Sushi and the quality was always high and the food fresh. Sadly, the place seems to be crowded all the time and you should at least plan on staying for 90-120 minutes because you likely have to wait 45+ minutes for your order to arrive. Especially Sushi.

Italian restaurant "La Piazza": I love that place! It was around 23:30 when I was visiting this restaurant with two friends of mine and they were about to close. After asking they were okay with staying open for about an hour and we even got all the food we wanted, too. The waiter was fun and the food was awesome and affordable as well.

Asian Fast Food Shack accross the street (in the mall): The food is okay but with 5 EUR for a standard menue quite expensive. But you get you belly filled in no time. Saved my *** once when I was ALL hungry but had no time for a restaurant.

Greek Restaurant "Asteria": Nothing to complain or praise. Prices are average and they serve fast.

Qilin: We got our food after about 20 minutes. It was the best curry I've ever had, affordable too. The staff seems a bit unfriendly, but I guess they were pretty stressed considering the place was packed.

Alex: The food is good, we went there for the breakfast buffet and the next day for lunch. Their non-alcoholic drinks are tasty, but stay away from the cocktails. We ordered three different cocktails one evening in the price range from 7 to 9 € and they all tasted ... meh and were really soft.

The Fan: The food is very good, altough the servings could have been a bit bigger. One waiter had to handle all of the tables outside, but still jokes around a bit while taking your order and was generally very friendly.

Cocktailbar "One": This is the place to go to when you want to get drunk. They're cheaper than the Piano Bar and their drinks taste quite good. Be sure to try out their "Pay 5€ to roll a die and get a drink ranging from water to a Super-Deluxe-XXL-Cocktail"-offer, we all got somewhat lucky ;)


--- Quote from: nobs on 04.09.2011, 16:20:56 ---
--- Quote from: Cookie on 02.09.2011, 17:08:34 ---The only thing is what they dare to call red wine there... it was almost sparkling and tasted more of a soda than proper wine (i don't drink wine often, but THAT was not wine), with a weird vinegar aftertaste... Really dreadful (and also even one of the most "alcohol-used" of the frenchies felt faint after half a glass.. what the heck was that?)
--- End quote ---

Lambrusco is a little sparkling also. 

But even that should not have a "vinegar aftertaste".

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I know about sparkling wine and this one was not _supposed_ to be sparkling at all...
Just yukkkk


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