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water system

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I certainly remember one or two showers which had me jumping because the temperature changed from a relaxing warmth to boiling hot, only to be followed by freezing cold. I didn't mind the latter but the sudden rise in temperature definitely wasn't pleasant.

I didn't complain because the problem didn't seem to occur after my arrival on Tuesday, where I had better things (catching up on sleep) to do than to complain ;)

It happened once for me, but not nearly as extreme as others seem to have experienced. For me it was going slightly hotter/colder rather quickly (Like, something around 1 Hz).

I didn't report it because it was a minor issue and I felt it was to be expected with a fully booked hotel. ;)

Guys really many of these are design problems when hotel was commission, build.
Every hotel or place works with something call diversity factors, what are statistic values depending of type of premises, What what they do is incorporate a option or normal operation condition's.

for Water system diameter of pipes and pressure in pipes, and normal hotel load could be like 400 Showers in one given time, possibly only 40 per one rising main water pipe.
Do build building for like 600 showers at time would be huge demand per resources and would incorporate extreme design ( using not commercial, standard assemblies, what would result in maintenance issue cost and availability of replaceable parts) 

Same is for air conditioning system they are design similar way expecting certain numbers of people (around 1.5Kw heater, human body) in building for prolong time, if system manage catch up overnight it is fine, but really don't expect to be able cope with 1200 people for 19h in main lobby, and from them 200 active working (producing heat more)

- for showers do take it in different time of day when is less demand if you expect 100% operation, or tell somebody don't use baths, only shower.
- for air conditioning well not much to say unless streets of Magdenburgh could be overrun by furies.

I believe such problems are common at any places with are use 24h as resident area.         

I had no problems with the water temperature (I was also on the 4th floor), and I was taking a shower every day (and even twice one day!), so I'm guessing this was only a problem in certain areas and may have been fixable. All the more reason to mention it right away! The hotel was very quick to repair things (I found a burnt out light in the stairwell around 1 AM, and they immediately sent someone to replace it!), so just ask!

Quincy the Raccoon:
Yeah, the watersystem had its ups and downs, but it didn't bothered me tho...


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