Eurofurence Information > Feedback

water system

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@ Nobs

My part is hotel relation, all day long at EF i solve hotel related problems, also for our guests.
And i could solve like 95% of the problems people told me.

Really guys, if you have a problem tell me AT THE CONVENTION, i will glady see what i can do :)

It makes no sense to tell the hotel about such things afterwards at all..........


--- Quote from: Nightfox on 25.08.2011, 20:50:28 ---It makes no sense to tell the hotel about such things afterwards at all..........

--- End quote ---

You really think so? I would expect they are interested in any "bug report". So they can fix it now.

In the very moment it is hard to decide whether it is worth mentioning it to anybody. I see a huge load of things that could be better. It is just a habbit to me ("Berufskrankheit").

So I decided to skip most of the stuff for the moment and will see what I remember with some days distance.

Other way round I could have contacted you or hotel staff really very often. I wanted to avoid that. I hope that is understandable.

Frankly.. the hotel was made for boring business folks with a scheduel and not for a bunch of bouncy subculture affected people. Some parts of the infrastructure can't be changed but just slightly adjusted. We should just accept that instead of focusing on it. I bet Nightfox asked already if there's a way to get rid of... i.e. the warm water issue or improving it by adjusting the throughput or pressure. And: cold water does no harm except of waking one up without the need to drug the body with coffee ;)


--- Quote from: nobs on 25.08.2011, 22:38:31 ---
--- Quote from: Nightfox on 25.08.2011, 20:50:28 ---It makes no sense to tell the hotel about such things afterwards at all..........

--- End quote ---

You really think so? I would expect they are interested in any "bug report". So they can fix it now.
--- End quote ---

They are, but the only way they can do anything about it is if you tell them the moment it happens. Give them specifics, like room number and time it happened, and then they can attempt to fix it.
It will likely be a while before they have over 1000 guests at the same time again, so it will be hard to recreate the circumstances and see where exactly the problem lies. If you tell them about these problems on the first or second day, they can at least try to have maintanance guys checking the system at peak capacity.

Actually I remember that problem from last year (6th floor) - it was not an issue this year (4th floor) though.

And Riffuchs: cold water can hurt - if its preassure drops down while you are showering due to some toilet flushing somewhere...

All in all I think its an issue due to high demand when the hotel is booked out - so the hotel might have the possibility to set their system to the higher demand in advance...


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